Chapter 4: To Survive

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"Fuck this SHIT!!" Grey shouted in frustration

*Huff *Huff

"Why does everything go downhill with me?"

"And where was that voice when I needed it most?!"



"Hmm so... according to this navigation device I'm in a Frozen wasteland ? Which is filled with monsters? Ain't I fucked both ways?"

"Let's get Outta here fast or I'm dead either way"


'What's this sound coming from?'

As I turned around all I see was a horrific sight

It was a snowy gray monster having blood on his wolf like fangs it seemed to be similar to a wolf yet it seemed like a snow leopard but it so big that it can be compared to a adult lion

That creature was feeding on a another dead body which had same white uniform as the previous guy


Suddenly the creature turned to him and Roared loudly announcing as I'm his prey and he's a predator

I approached the snowy gray monster with caution, feeling a sense of unease emanating from the creature. Its wolf-like fangs were stained with blood, and despite its snow leopard-like appearance, it was massive – almost as big as an adult lion.

Drawing my Miaodao sword, I CLANG-ed it against the monster's icy hide, preparing to strike, but the monster lunged forward, ROAR-ing ferociously, catching me off guard. I managed to dodge its attack, but barely, narrowly avoiding its razor-sharp claws as they SWIPE-d through the air.

As I regained my footing, my heart was THUMP-ing in my chest. Despite my abilities, I knew that I was facing a formidable opponent. I took a deep breath and activated my Umbrakinesis, blending into the darkness around me.

The monster charged again, and I swiftly sidestepped its attack, SLASH-ing at it with my sword. But the monster's icy exterior seemed to deflect most of the blow, and I realized with growing unease that my sword wasn't going to be enough.

I tried to use my <Psychokinesis> to throw the monster off balance, but it was too strong, too resistant. The monster ROAR-ed once more and swiped at me with its massive paws, knocking me back and causing me to stumble.

Gritting my teeth, I used my <Counter> ability to reflect some of the damage back at the creature, but it only seemed to make it angrier. It ROAR-ed again, and I felt a wave of fear wash over me.

Suddenly, I remembered my <Calm Mind> ability, and I focused on it with all my might, trying to push back the fear and the fatigue. Slowly, I began to feel more centered, more focused.

With renewed determination, I charged forward, using my Possession ability to inhabit the monster's body. But even inside the creature's mind, I found myself struggling against its fierce will. It fought back with all its strength, causing me to falter.

Just when it seemed like all was lost, I saw a glimmer of hope. A small weakness, a way in. I pushed forward with all my strength, leveraging my abilities to take control of the monster's body and force it to collapse onto the ground.

Breathing heavily, I emerged from the monster's body and stood over its defeated form. I had won, but just barely. As I limped away from the scene, I knew that I had been lucky this time. But I also knew that next time, I would need to be even stronger, even more focused.

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