Chapter 17: The Frozen Resolve

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Selena Frostbane stood firm, her eyes locked on the formidable figure before her. She knew the odds were stacked against her, but she refused to back down. Memories of her past hardships and her indebtedness to Loid fueled her determination.

As she conjured icy shards, her mind raced, reflecting on the moment she first encountered Loid and how he had become her ally and savior. The memories of her struggles, abandonment, and eventual rediscovery of purpose at Helios Academy surged through her thoughts. She couldn't let Loid's sacrifice be in vain.

With a fierce resolve, Selena unleashed her

<Ice shards>

propelling them toward the figure. The shards shimmered in the air, reflecting the dim light of the chamber. However, just as before, the figure effortlessly maneuvered through the shadows, evading the icy assault.

Selena's heart pounded in her chest as she assessed the situation. She needed to find a way to turn the tide in her favor. Drawing upon her training and instincts, she formulated a risky plan.

'If direct attacks won't work, then maybe I can exploit their overconfidence,' Selena pondered, her mind racing.

She took a deep breath, focusing her thoughts and channeling her mana. The air around her grew colder, crystalline frost forming on her skin. With a surge of determination, Selena unleashed her most potent ability,

<Absolute Zero>

In an instant, a wave of freezing cold erupted from Selena, engulfing the entire chamber. Ice spread across the walls, floor, and ceiling, encasing everything in a frozen prison. The figure found themselves trapped within Selena's icy domain, their movements hindered by the intense cold.

"Now, it's my turn," Selena proclaimed, her voice resolute.

With precise control, she formed intricate ice constructs, sharp and deadly, each one aimed directly at the figure. The frozen projectiles pierced through the icy prison, closing in on their target with deadly precision.


The constructs shattered upon impact, their force dispersing the frozen shell that encased the figure. But to Selena's surprise, they emerged from the ice unscathed, their dark aura seemingly unfazed.

"Impressive, but not enough," the figure hissed, their voice dripping with disdain.

Selena's heart sank. Her most potent ability had failed to incapacitate the figure, leaving her back at square one. She could feel her mana reserves dwindling, the strain of the battle taking its toll on her.

In the midst of her frustration, a flicker of movement caught Selena's attention. Loid, still restrained by the shadowy hands, struggled against his bonds, his eyes filled with determination. Their gazes locked, and in that moment, Selena understood.

'I can't do this alone,' she realized. 'I need to find a way to free Loid and tap into his power.'

With renewed resolve, Selena focused her attention on Loid, seeking any opportunity to break his restraints. She searched for weak points in the shadowy grip, hoping to exploit them and set him free.

As the battle raged on, Selena's determination burned brighter than ever. She knew that saving Loid and defeating this formidable figure would require every ounce of her strength and wit. With her icy powers at her disposal and Loid as her ally, she refused to let despair overcome her.

The stage was set for a desperate struggle, where Selena's icy resolve would clash against the figure's overwhelming power. The outcome remained uncertain, but Selena was prepared to fight until the very end, for the sake of her friend and her own unwavering determination.

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