Chapter 11: Books and Soup, A Cozy Combination

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A/N: Warning Info dump

"Are you okay?" he inquired.

To which I replied, "I-I'm fine."

"Alright, I have to hurry, I'm running late," he stated.

"Goodbye," he swiftly departed.

I was taken aback by the scene unfolding before me. The individual standing in front of me resembled Edward, but their demeanor was completely different.

They possessed the same blond hair, albeit darker, yet their irritating smile was nowhere to be found.

The same height, facial features—were they a doppelgänger in my world? I might have mistaken them for Edward's twin brother, if we were in a different context, haha.

*Ahem, anyway, I shouldn't dwell on them now, as I have other matters to attend to.

Lost in thought, I suddenly snapped out of my reverie, realizing I had been standing there like a fool.

I should get going.



I closed and locked the door, then settled myself into a chair, placing my stack of books on the table.

Among them was my first book, titled 'History of Eldoria I.'

Hmm... so it's the first part; there must be more. I'll obtain the rest later. For now, let's begin reading this...




I know-I know already well thanks for that skill though it's temporary one

Let's start then...


Book 1 'History of Eldoria'

Eldoria, a captivating realm where magical creatures thrive and ferocious monsters roam, has a rich and enchanting history. The origins of Eldoria trace back to a time long forgotten, when the land was untamed and wild. It was during this era that the first inhabitants discovered the remarkable powers of magic and formed a society deeply intertwined with mystical forces.

As tribes and settlements began to emerge, the need for unity and governance became apparent. A group of wise sorcerers and powerful magicians came together and established the foundations of a centralized authority. This marked the birth of the Eldorian monarchy, with a hereditary line of rulers descending from the most revered magical bloodlines.

The monarchy brought stability and order to the land, and Eldoria flourished under its reign. The monarchs, guided by their deep connection to magic, governed the nation with wisdom and grace. They upheld the delicate balance between magical beings and the human population, fostering a harmonious coexistence.

Alongside the monarchy, a system of aristocracy took shape in Eldoria. The aristocrats were individuals of noble birth who possessed innate magical abilities or acquired great wealth through their magical pursuits. They formed an influential class, advising the monarchs and wielding considerable power in the realm.

Eldoria's landscape was as diverse as its inhabitants. From lush enchanted forests to treacherous mountain ranges and sprawling magical cities, the country was a captivating tapestry of natural and supernatural wonders. It became a sanctuary for magical creatures, with majestic dragons soaring through the skies, mythical unicorns frolicking in meadows, and mischievous fairies dancing among the flowers.

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