Chapter 26: Recovered yet Amiss

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The man's enigmatic smile returned as he replied, "Consider it a parting gift, a token to remember this encounter by."

After a brief time, both of us started walking through the dimly lit hallway where each step echoed throughout the hall with a sound of


The flickering candles on the walls cast eerie shadows, adding to the mysterious atmosphere surrounding us.

"Thank you for helping me, or that Ghost should've killed me off in another second with her icy spears if you weren't there," I said, still feeling shivers down my spine as I recalled the haunting encounter.

"Ah... about that... nevermind as I was also finding something there, but coincidentally found you," the man replied, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

"A-Anyways... Who are you?" I asked hesitantly.

He stopped walking, turned to face me, and chuckled before saying, "Are you for real?! You don't know me?" He pointed to his chest, seemingly in disbelief.

"Yes... for real," I responded, maintaining a poker face, even though I felt a bead of sweat on my back due to his intimidating presence.

"Alistair... Professor Alistair...The one and only Alistair in this world you may find who teaches people about history, supernaturals, magic manipulation, and so on..." he introduced himself with a hint of pride.

"Don't you dare forget, okay," he pointed his fingers menacingly, and I nodded in agreement, trying to hide my unease.

"How is it possible that someone didn't know me! And he's a third year at that," Prof Alistair muttered to himself, clearly irked.

As we continued walking, I remained silent, fully unaware of his reputation and expertise.

'Damn it!' I silently cursed my ignorance.

Finally, we reached my hospital room where I had been admitted earlier. As I opened the door,

The room had a faint scent of antiseptic, and the soft hum of machines provided an oddly comforting backdrop to our conversation. I couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to Prof Alistair than met the eye. The way he carried himself and the aura of mystery that surrounded him made me wonder about the secrets he might hold.

The room was dimly lit, and a soft glow from the streetlights outside filtered through the curtains, casting a pale shadow on the floor. As they entered the room, the sound of their footsteps echoed through the confined space.

Prof Alistair reached out and said, "So you were the one... Loid Kage, isn't it?"

I still kept my silence, unsure of how much he knew about me.

"I heard all about you from my students like..." he trailed off, leaving me curious about what they might have told him about me.

I turned to Prof Alistair, still curious about the mysteries surrounding this enigmatic man. Yet, he held back his inquiries, realizing that there was much more to learn about his unexpected companion.

As I was about to say something, the doctor came back and interrupted our conversation. "Ahh! Mr. Kage, how are you doing?" he asked.

"Fine, I guess, as you can see," I replied, trying to sound nonchalant.

The doctor seemed to be pondering something and quickly scribbled on his notepad. He tore off the paper and handed it to me. "Here, take this. I've written down some medicines that you have to take and when."

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