Chapter 31: Jiang Lei, The River of Thunder

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On the 14th of June in 1790, the clock struck 10:15, and I, Loid, found myself panting in the midst of a mysterious place hidden within fog.

With each heaving breath, I questioned our journey's length.

"How much longer do we need to walk anyway?" I asked, my voice strained from the exertion.

"We are here," Jiang Lei replied, her voice calm and unwavering.

As I surveyed my surroundings, I couldn't help but marvel at the astonishing technology within this 18th-century world. This place, known as the Gauntlet, was designed as a training hall, yet its advanced nature defied all expectations.

The interior resembled a labyrinth with random walls covered with white tiles all over, and the very air was charged with a peculiar energy.

Interrupting my thoughts, Jiang Lei offered an explanation, "Gauntlet... This place is called Gauntlet. It's thoroughly protected by shields, and once you enter, these protective barriers envelop you."

I was taken aback by her revelation, my surprise evident.

"Loid," she called my name, her tone chilly and unsettling. "You don't have much combat experience, do you?"

I couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss, a nagging unease that crept over me like a shadow. "Y-Yes," I stammered, "I mean, you understand that I'm not exactly a seasoned warrior, right? I owe my victory against the shadow hound to my abilities. Without them, I wouldn't be here."

Jiang Lei heaved a long sigh, her expression conflicted. "I don't want to admit it, but it seems the Professor was right."

I furrowed my brow in confusion. "What do you mean?"

She brushed off my question, her demeanor enigmatic. "It's nothing of your concern. Now, summon your weapon by mere thought, or shall we engage in hand-to-hand combat?"

"Let's go with weapons," I decided, eager to level the playing field. "I'd rather not repeat the thrashing I endured earlier. Perhaps a sword will give me a fighting chance."

Jiang Lei nodded, and with a mere thought, a Jian sword, reminiscent of those from ancient China, materialized in her hands. I couldn't help but admire the elegance of her choice.

"Why don't you summon your weapon as well?" she inquired.

I flushed with embarrassment, realizing that I had been so captivated by her weapon that I had forgotten to summon my own. After a moment's concentration, a Miao Dao sword appeared in my grasp. The thrill of wielding it was undeniable.

"Wow!" I exclaimed, a grin spreading across my face. "This is incredible!"

Without further delay, Jiang Lei declared, "We'll begin now."

In an instant, she kicked off the ground and closed the distance between us with astonishing speed.

I was determined not to be caught off guard this time, drawing upon my fond memories of swordplay.

Our blades met with a resounding clash, setting the tone for our fierce encounter.


The battle between Jiang Lei and me raged on, the intensity building within the Gauntlet's confining walls. My Miao Dao sword remained at the ready, poised to take on the masterful Jian wielder.

Jiang Lei's movements were a marvel to behold. She moved with fluidity and precision, launching her attacks with unparalleled speed. Her swift advance left me struggling to keep up, and her strikes were relentless.

'What a monster she is!' I thought to myself

It was clear that my mid-level skills weren't enough to match her expertise. To gain an advantage, I had to rely on my abilities to discern openings in her defenses and counter her attacks.

The battle was an arduous dance of steel, with each of us seeking an advantage. I struck back whenever the opportunity presented itself, but her agility and precision made it a daunting task. She seemed to anticipate my every move, leaving me with little room to breathe.

Jiang Lei's command of the lightning and ice elements added layers of complexity to our duel. A flick of her wrist sent a bolt of lightning down her blade, intensifying the danger of her attacks. I had to rely on my reflexes to narrowly avoid her electrifying strikes.

The icy aura surrounding us kept me on edge, causing frosty mists to rise every time our swords clashed. My hands grew cold and unresponsive, making it challenging to maintain my grip on the sword. The weight of my Miao Dao felt increasingly burdensome.

Despite my best efforts, Jiang Lei's skill and control were overpowering. It was as if she could predict my every move, and her relentless strikes left me with little opportunity to counter. A few minutes into the battle, fatigue set in, and I struggled to stay alert.

Jiang Lei pressed her advantage, and I found it increasingly difficult to keep pace.



I was panting heavily, my movements sluggish, and my reactions delayed.

In my exhausted state, I felt like I was moving through molasses.

She seized the opportunity and delivered a final, devastating blow that sent me crashing to the ground. Gasping for breath, I lay on the Gauntlet floor, my vision blurred.

Standing over me, Jiang Lei held her sword to my throat. "It seems you at least know something, huh?" she remarked calmly, then withdrew her blade and extended a hand to help me up.

Defeated and utterly spent, I accepted her hand, and with her assistance, I rose to my feet. This battle had been a humbling experience, revealing the vast chasm in our abilities. I couldn't help but admire Jiang Lei's incredible prowess, and I was left with a newfound respect for her skills.

"Again," she said.

"Yes," I nodded in affirmation.

"Commandment IX Healing," she muttered an incantation, which almost healed my wounds and exhaustion.

'That means I'm stuck here until I'm done for real, huh?' I muttered inwardly.

"I know how you're feeling, but I'll pretend I didn't see it. Now, prepare!" She took her stance and kicked the ground.

And as always, it happened in an instant.

'But not this time!'


I levitated, not myself or any objects, but her.

As intended, she rose into the air, a hint of surprise on her face.


And again, I used my <Psychokinesis> to throw her with force.

But suddenly...

<Ice barrier>

The ice barrier nullified my skill, and soon, Jiang Lei cast <haste>.

In the blink of an eye, she was before me once more, and all I could do was freeze upon contact.

<Lightning fist>

This skill knocked me out much farther than before.

After 10 minutes...



"AHHH!" I yelled, as if I were about to lose my composure.



"Hey, you aren't dead... yet," Jiang Lei calmly voiced out, as if she didn't care at all. She seemed to be eating something.

"What do you mean by 'yet'? And hey, what are you eating?" I asked.

"Well, chocolates... Do you want some?"

"Umm, sure."

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