Chapter 29: Erica Midwinter II

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March 2 2030 - 8:01

Olympia City


The faint sound of a door opening resonated through the corridor as the heavy door swung ajar, revealing the entrance to a dimly lit hospital room. Into the room entered a doctor, his steps measured and his expression grave. Observing the door's movement, a man rushed towards the doctor, his voice heavy with sorrow and guilt.

"So...How's she?" he inquired, his voice laced with desperation.

A sigh escaped the doctor's lips, his gaze somber as he met the man's eyes. "I'm sorry...There's been no improvement in her condition... at this point, only a miracle can offer any hope."

"N-No...that cannot be...!" The man's frustration and anger bubbled to the surface, and he clutched the doctor's collar, seeking an outlet for his emotions.

"Sir! Hold it right there," a stern voice interjected, as a figure stepped forward to intervene.

"It's not his fault! So stop there," another voice chimed in, a chorus of concerned onlookers urging restraint.

Amidst the crowd, a young girl emerged from the background, her voice gentle but firm. "...Father, how about you stop now?"

Her words seemed to strike a chord within the man – her father – and he slowly released his grip on the doctor, turning to face his daughter.

"..." Silence hung in the air as father and daughter exchanged a prolonged, wordless gaze. Then, abruptly, the man turned away, storming out through the doorway with a resounding slam.

With the man's departure, a collective sigh of relief seemed to sweep through the room. The tension that had gripped the atmosphere began to dissipate.

Soon, a woman dressed in a formal black suit entered the room, her presence exuding an air of authority. "My Lady..."

"Stop...don't say anything," the girl interrupted with a wearied tone.

"As you wish," the woman replied with a respectful nod.

The room emptied as the various onlookers dispersed, leaving the girl alone with her thoughts. As the last person exited, the weight of the situation seemed to lift, and the girl let out another sigh of relief.

"Everyone left?" she questioned, seeking confirmation.


"Agh! Finally." She sank into a nearby sofa, her body collapsing in the cushions. "I need some rest...the office work was killing me!"

"My lady, I..."

"Oh yes – you're still here, aren't you? I forgot. Just go away for now. I don't need you while I'm resting," she dismissed her attendant with a wave of her hand, her irritation evident.

"As you wish." The attendant departed quietly, leaving the girl to her moment of respite.

As the attendant made an attempt to leave, her movement was once again intercepted by a call from the couch-bound seat. "Hey," she beckoned, her voice carrying a sense of earnestness, "before you head out, could you possibly check on my sister?"

Lounging comfortably on the sofa, the girl's request hung in the air. The girl's initial inclination to depart was momentarily suspended as the attendant processed the plea. With a resigned yet obliging expression, she replied, "Alright."

With a nod of understanding, the attendant left once more, the situation now threading a touch of curiosity into her thoughts.

As she exited to the hallway, her thoughts echoed with a hint of exasperation. 'Miss...truly a handful, but there's not much to complain about. If only she could be a bit more considerate.'

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