I lay next to her and as soon as I did that she rolled into me and hugged me tight, I kissed her head and hugged her back. "I love you kitten" I said, "I love you too master" she said. We both fell asleep and before I knew it my alarm was going off, and Olivia groaned. I laughed, "I am sorry love" I said as I climbed out of bed and went to work out. I knew Olivia would fall back asleep, as I ran on the treadmill. The winter months were hard as I missed running outside, I was able to run 5 miles and I stopped doing a few pushups as well. I left the room and had a quick shower, I walked over to Olivia and kissed her, "see you later kitten" I said and I left, Mrs. Jenkins had my coffee and breakfast ready. I ate quickly and headed to work with Evan and Parker, I knew he would need to talk to Lily, and I would need to talk to Olivia. I knew how she felt about Lily knowing but her sudden interest in bondage made me think she was ready to know. It would be easier around her not having to hide things and it would allow her and Parker to ask questions and set boundaries. I would be their proxy if they wanted to create their own contract and help guide them in this. As we made it to work I sighed at the amount of work I had to do, Melanie brought me a coffee and I thanked her barely lifting my head. I had so much paperwork to do it was going to be busy. The days I had Olivia here I tended to slack off a bit and I needed to actually work on those days. I knew they would be boring for her but just having her in the office with me made me feel better. Monday's and Tuesday's were hard for me I missed her way too much and I felt lost without her. I felt like my attachment to my wife was unhealthy but I knew she felt the same way as I did and this made me smile. 

I realized I was not actually doing work and I sighed because she was distracting me already and she wasn't even here. I was able to get a bunch of work done as Melanie brought in lunch that meant only 4 more hours until I would see Olivia. I tried to concentrate on my work but my mind was distracted and I tossed my pen across the room as James entered. "Something frustrating you?" he asked, "yeah my wife" I said and he laughed, "man she isn't even here today" James said, "I know and that is the problem I miss her" I said, "well you will be with her soon enough, I find your relationship weird" James said, "you and everyone else, did you come in here for something?" I asked, "yes sorry, we are almost done with the EKG and we have 5 more companies ready to buy everything. The prototypes for everything are going well and we have several more designs" he said. "Good get it done for me James I trust you" he said, "I know and I just need your signature on these" he said, I signed them and he left my office, I checked my emails and sent over the approvals for the transfers, and noticed I just made 25 million dollars. Things were looking up and I checked my back account, Olivia's book was still selling copies and she made over a million dollars on it now, I was proud of her. I knew once she finished her second copy that she would make that much more. My account had 50 billion in it and I transferred some over to stocks. It was how I kept everything organized, I also made a school account for our baby, I wanted them to have everything and going to school was a big thing for me. I would want them to be able to do anything that they wanted, this baby was going to be spoiled. I managed to get a bunch more work done despite how distracted I was, it was just after 4 and I decided to head home. Parker and Evan were waiting for me, and we drove home, they were tight on security these days but I decided to not question it. I knew that they were doing their jobs, and I knew I had a lot of threats. Being the richest man in Chicago was hard and a lot of people felt they could take advantage of that.

We made it home and I saw my girl she was writing and I didn't want to interrupt her, I headed upstairs. I felt her behind me, "you snuck past me sir" she said, "I saw you writing" I said, "I know but I miss you so damn much master" she said pulling me closer to her. I turned so she was hugging me properly and I was able to hug her back, I pushed her onto the bed and removed her clothes. I was already undressed so it was easy for me to push inside her, and I fucked her hard and I made sure she didn't get to orgasm. I kissed her and left her there to pout as I changed and headed downstairs. I knew dinner would be ready soon, and Morgan came to me, "just so you know she hasn't eaten much today" she said, "What why?" I said, "morning sickness" Morgan said as she went back downstairs. Olivia came down, "you not feeling good?" I asked her, "certain things are making me feel sick, this morning it was the coffee and then the eggs. Then for lunch the chicken" Olivia said, "hmm well I need you to eat kitten even if it is just shakes, I will have protein ones bought for you" I said. "Thank you master" she said, "I have something to discuss with you kitten sit for me" I said, and she sat on the chair as we waited for dinner. I made myself a drink and sat with her. "I am featuring you on Saturday" I said, "oh? at Seductive sir?" she said. "Yes and Drew also told me a few new members joined. I need to know how you feel about Lily and Parker watching you" I said. "No please" she said, "Lily is curious about it and wants to explore the idea. Parker is too and he would gain a lot from watching you. Kitten you are a natural and they both could learn from this. We can have them over for dinner tomorrow and talk to her about it. It would be easier for me if I didn't have to hide in front of her, as my slave you would have no objection to it. I am considering your feelings in this however so I will take into account what you have to say" I said. "I just don't want her to judge me, and I mean like why does she even need to know? I am not sure I am ready for her to see that side of us sir" she said. "I understand that, but like I said she is curious herself and if Parker decided to do this then I would be their proxy for a contract. I know he would set his own rules for her and things would be okay, if she wants to explore it we can't deny her that. Just like how you wanted to explore it and keep it going, I think Lily can handle it" I said. "Fine we can tell her but I am not sure I want her to see me in a show" she said. "That is your call but let's not make a decision until we talk to her about it tomorrow" I said kissing her. Rose gave us our dinner, and left for the night, with her Jackson now old enough to stay at home I let her go home earlier in the evenings to be with her kids. 

Olivia was wrinkling her nose at the food, "kitten" I said, "I just everything makes me feel sick" I said, "I will call Torres get her to come see you in the meantime try and eat something kitten please" I said. Olivia ate a little bit of food, it wasn't much but I was happy she at least had something. "I am sorry master" she said, "no don't be, Olivia I am concerned here and I need to know are you okay?" I asked, "I am, it is just I am not sure I don't even want to think about food right now" she said. "Okay just hold on" I said as I called Dr. Torres and she agreed to come over, "Dr. Torres is coming" I said, "you don't have to do that, I am okay" she said, "you are not eating and that concerns me so yes she is coming" I said and she knew not to protest or question me. "Are we in husband-and-wife mode or Master and Slave?" she asked, "whichever you need to be in order to understand how concerned I am for you" I said. "I understand and I am worried too I just felt off all day and I am not sure what that means" she said. "That is why Dr. Torres is coming, I want both of you healthy and we can get a prescription for the morning sickness" I said. "Okay I love you Ryder" she said, "I love you too Olivia" I said kissing her and carrying her over to the couch. I knew we would need to wait to do more but just having her close to me was the best feeling in the world. "I am always so worried people will judge us for our relationship" she said. "No one cares Olivia, and it is all in your head, a lot of the people in my life have contracts like I said. Also a lot of them are friends that I trust with my life so I am not worried about it" I said, she nodded as the doorbell rang and I went to answer it. "Thank you for coming" I said letting Dr. Torres in. "No problem" she said as we walked into the living room, "Olivia do you feel sick all day?" she asked, "yes and the thought of food, and certain smells make it worse" Olivia said. "Okay I will give you this, take one every morning an hour before eating and it should help. She nodded, "Would you like to see if we can hear a heartbeat?" she asked, and we both nodded I was very excited about this. Torres pulled out the doppler and moved it around on Olivia' stomach the pregnancy was still new so she wasn't showing yet. I couldn't wait for her to be rounder knowing she was growing my child inside her. I knew the idea of a child scared me but I was warming up to the idea because it was with Olivia and I knew how much she wanted this. "There we go, 140 beats per minute" Torres said, "wow that is amazing, does that mean it is a girl?" Olivia asked, "that is an old wives tale, it doesn't mean anything really. It is too early to tell at this point but so far everything checks out. Just be sure to take 1 pill every morning" Torres said as she left. 

"That was such a cool sound" Olivia said, "it was but this is also a cool sound" I said pulling her pants off and pushing my cock into her hard. She moaned and I kissed her, "you catch me off guard every time" she said. "Are you objecting kitten?" I asked, "no master" she said, "good girl, now no more talking" I said and she just groaned under me. I made sure to really make her feel it this time, and I felt her getting close. "Cum kitten" I said as she squeezed my erection allowing me to finish and pull out of her. "Thank you master" she said, "your welcome kitten, I could do that all day everyday" I said. "Me too, however it is a lot more now that I am pregnant sir" she said. "What do you mean?" I asked, "I just feel it so much more even you touching me makes me want you so badly. I just feel like I can't get enough of you master" she said. "I see well my darling kitten I have more planned yet, lets go play" I said and she smiled following me upstairs. I started with tying her up and opening her up completely, she was so damn beautiful. I put a vibrator on her clit and fucked her hard again, "Cum kitten" I said knowing she was already close, I was going to give her so many orgasms tonight. She deserved it and she had a rough day so I was going to make it up to her. "Cum as many times as you need to kitten" I said, and she had 3 more orgasms before I finished inside her. I placed a fucking machine under her and bent her forward putting in a spider gag. As she orgasmed around me I fucked her mouth, and every orgasm she screamed around me allowing me to release into the back of her throat. I pulled out and just watched her as I took out the gag. I am not sure how may orgasms she had but she kept going. She was really horny tonight, "Red" she said finally after another 10 minutes and I untied her turning everything off. I ran her a bath and cleaned her up before tucking her into bed, I lay beside her this time as I was tired myself. We were both able to fall asleep and I knew it was going to be another long day at work without her. 

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