Chapter 27

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It was taking a little extra time to get to Dominican Republic via ship because they had to pass through Canada first. Ryder was with his security team going over details for the next few months. "Sir there are no major storms along the way but I am keeping an eye out for anything I can" Blake said. "Perfect thank you, Morgan I am trusting you to keep Olivia safe if I am not there. I mean not leaving her side at all for any reason understood" Ryder said. "Yes sir I will not let you or her down" Morgan said, "Blake you will help Morgan I want all eyes on her even if she protests. We are in foreign land and I will not have her getting hurt" Ryder said. "Understood sir" Blake said, Ryder felt he didn't have to tell Evan and Parker they were with him but he did anyways, "Evan, Parker you are with me" Ryder said. "Always sir" Evan said and Parker nodded he would kick anyone's ass who even tried to touch Ryder. 

The servers brought out drinks for everyone and Ryder took his as he sipped it Olivia walked into the room. She was wearing one of his shirts and she didn't say anything she just sat on the couch beside Ryder and curled into his lap. "Kitten I left you asleep" Ryder said, "yes and I woke up and you weren't there I was cold sir" Olivia said. "I see well I am just briefing my team on what they are doing over the next bit. Do you need a refresher too?" Ryder said. "I plan on being with you the whole time sir" Olivia said. "Most of the time yes but there will be a few times that I will need to work so you will be with Morgan and Blake. Olivia I can't stress this enough Morgan will not leave your side ever. She goes with you everywhere bathroom included, I am not going to have you disappear on our honeymoon" Ryder said. "Of course husband I get it I love you" Olivia said, "I love you to wife, now do you need a rule reminder or are you okay?" Ryder said. "Umm, I am assuming I am not allowed to talk to anyone, keep some sort of clothing on my body at all times and stay in sights of Morgan and Blake. If I am forgetting anything I am sorry sir" Olivia said. "No that was good all those rules apply, the one you forgot is that I am in charge so if I say something you do it no hesitation got it" Ryder said. "We will see sir" Olivia said kissing him. Ryder kissed her back as she became aggressive and pushed him down onto the couch to a laying position. Ryder grabbed her arms and pulled her up, "rule breaking already, looks like we need to mark that sexy butt of yours" Ryder said. "Sir please let me touch you" Olivia said, "too late for that kitten come let's go" Ryder said as he pulled her to her feet and took her to their bedroom.

"On the bed kitten face down" Ryder said and Olivia listened as Ryder pulled her shirt up and smiled as she was not wearing underwear. He grabbed the paddle he had in the drawer and said "why are you being punished kitten?" "I didn't ask to touch you master and I was aggressive" Olivia said. "I will smack you 10 times kitten" Ryder said as he slapped her on the ass, Olivia closed her eyes counting as he kept hitting her after the 10th hit she felt Ryder rubbing the lotion on her butt. "Bedtime kitten" Ryder said as he went to the bathroom to get ready and he came out and crawled in next to her. Olivia hesitated before cuddling up to him, Ryder pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. She wanted so badly to just take action and fuck him but she could tell he was tired. She closed her eyes and listened to him breathe as he fell asleep beside her. Olivia watched him for a few minutes before falling asleep herself, she hoped tomorrow would bring some new surprises.

Ryder's alarm was going off and 7 am and he rolled over and turned it off hearing Olivia groan loudly. "You don't need to get up kitten" Ryder said as he kissed her and went to get ready for the day. Olivia debated on getting up but she ended up falling back asleep as Ryder went to do a workout. He had a small gym on the yacht it wasn't like what he had at home but it was enough to get him something for the day. After his workout he went back to his room and found his girl still curled up in bed. He crawled up to her and kissed her head, "kitten you need to wake up" Ryder said. "You stink sir" Olivia said noticing he was all sweaty, "hmm well come join me in the shower" Ryder said pulling her to her feet, she knew she couldn't protest. Ryder turned the shower on and pulled Olivia in as he kissed her pushing her against the glass and she responded by wrapping her arms around his back and scratching down it with her nails. "Fuck kitten" Ryder said as he grabbed her legs and pulled her up as he pushed his erection inside her. Olivia moaned as he fucked her hard and fast while the hot water hit them. Olivia moaned and released her climax around him causing Ryder to orgasm as well and he set her on her feet. "I love you so much" Olivia said, "I love you too" Ryder said as he kissed her again grabbing the shampoo off the shelf and washing her hair. "Thank you Master" Olivia said, "your welcome kitten" Ryder said, as he let her wash him as well. Once they were done in the shower Ryder wrapped her in a towel and she dried her hair. "Breakfast will be ready soon kitten" Ryder said as he put his shirt on, "yes sir, um anything specific you want to me to wear?" Olivia said. "I like what you are wearing now kitten" Ryder said as she stood in front of him naked. "As much as I would love to oblige master I feel going to breakfast naked might be a bit much" Olivia said. "Hmm okay if you insist" Ryder said as he grabbed a dress from the closet and handed it to her, "Thank you sir, but is this it?" Olivia said. "What else did you have in mind kitten?" Ryder asked, "oh I don't know underwear sir" Olivia said. "No need this gives me easier access" Ryder said as he slapped her on the ass and she huffed at him. Ryder laughed as he left her in the bathroom and she pulled the dress on.

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