Chapter 41

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I hated that he was working it was Saturday and he was working, I mean I knew he was busy but this sucked. Also I knew we were babysitting soon and therefore that would mean no touching and I am sure he would have rules. Fuck I loved him and his rules so damn much I couldn't even think straight. This man had me losing my damn mind, ugh I couldn't write so I closed the laptop in frustration. I didn't notice Ryder come out of his office and he came up behind me and kissed my neck. I screamed, "sorry kitten I didn't mean to scare you" he said, "its fine sir" I said loving the attention. I mean I was literally just thinking about him and here he was, "work this week is going to suck" he said. "Oh I am sorry did you need me to stay home master?" I said. The look he gave me made me laugh, "Do you not want to come to work?" he said, "well sir I mean you said it was going to suck" I said to him pulling him over the couch. "Hmm looks like we need to get a little punishment out of the way. I said it would suck for me but you being there makes it tolerable. I need you to come to work with me please I would miss you to much" he said, "well if you are going to beg me" I said and he pulled me onto him and slapped my ass I mean god everything about him was amazing. "As much as I want to take you upstairs and show you who is boss we will have children coming in 2 minutes" he said. "Two minutes is plenty of time master" I said and he kissed me, "oh you just wait kitten you will be begging for me to stop later" he said. With that I heard the front door open and Abigail ran into the room, "Ryder I am so excited" she said, "We are too Abby" he said.

I knew he would probably have a little girl wrapped around his finger and I looked at my stomach it was to early to tell yet. I mean a little girl might be nice, ugh were we ready for a baby, I mean I guess tonight would be a test. Rose handed me Jackson who was asleep at the moment, she left after giving us instructions. Abby already had Ryder playing a game with him and I decided to make us dinner I had Jackson in a playpen we had set up for him. I had his bottle ready for him when he woke up and I was going to be able to do this. "HA I win" Abby said and Ryder laughed. It was a great laugh and I missed him already, I mean a baby was going to change everything between us.

After dinner Ryder played with both Jackson and Abby while cleaned up. Ryder was able to get Jackson to sleep and we put him in Ryder's office for now. It was just after 8 pm and Abby fell asleep on the couch. I knew he was going to be a great father because he was great with both of them. I imagined having a little boy just like him and a little girl who had him wrapped around her finger. It was going to be a struggle for sure keeping our relationship hidden from a baby. I mean we would just need to do it differently it was no different than hiding it from Lily. I still couldn't believe she even brought up seductive to me I mean she can't ever know. I obviously couldn't stop her from going that was her choice but she could never know that we went and did shows.

"What are you thinking kitten?" Ryder interrupted my thoughts. "Just the whole Seductive thing and Lily. I mean that would be a disaster" I said. "Only because you will make it one. Kitten it doesn't have to be a secret it is our choice and she can't tell you how to feel in a relationship" he said. "I know but I just honestly can't see how she would ever understand" I said, "you don't give her enough credit. She is your best friend and I do not think she would ever judge you. Parker doesn't judge me" he said. "You pay Parker that is different" I said, "I pay Lily too but that's not the point. The point is kitten it's your life and she can't tell you how to live it. If she were your best friend she would understand" he said. I knew he was right but I still wasn't sure if I was ready for her to know. I felt like once she did she would see me and Ryder differently. Nothing would ever change how I feel about him but Lily being all judgy on me has me scared for him.

I wasn't so much afraid of how she will see me seeing as how she is interested in the club. I worry how she will see my husband and how she will treat him if she were to find out. "I am not worried about her opinion of me kitten, but I can't tell it bothers you. I am who I am and if she doesn't like that tough, as long as you are happy I am happy" he said. I mean if I wasn't convinced about his super powers before I am now, like the man just read my mind. I wanted so badly to go upstairs, but I settled for a kiss. He made it amazing as always and I honestly couldn't breathe when I was with him. He brought all of my senses emotions and feelings to the surface. It was such an incredible feeling and I love how he affects me even with just a simple kiss.

Point of no Return Pleasing my master 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz