Chapter 3

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Once the plane was in the air, the flight attendant brought everyone a drink, Evan had Blake test them all just to be safe. Ryder was thankful that his staff was taking it seriously this time, he waited a few minutes before looking to Olivia. She was nervous as she looked at him she could tell by the way he was looking at her that she was about to perform as he put it. "Anyone have objections to me having some fun?" Ryder asked. "No sir you do what you need to" Evan said, "Kitten are you ready?" Ryder asked, "um yes master" Olivia said with a shaky voice, "doesn't sound like it" Ryder said. "Yes master" Olivia said a bit more confident, "strip" Ryder said, and Olivia took a breath before taking her clothes off in front of everyone. She glanced around the room and the only person looking at her was Ryder. "They are not looking kitten, come sit" Ryder said indicating to his lap. Olivia sat and she could feel his erection push against her, "you are so beautiful kitten, I want you to fuck me right now" Ryder said in her ear as he pulled his pants down and adjusted her so his erection slid into her pussy. Olivia moaned as she fucked her master she wanted this so badly, she needed this after feeling so bad about everything today. Olivia moved her hips as she laced her fingers through his hair and kissed him. Ryder accepted it and kissed her back with just as much passion. Olivia was getting close to an orgasm and she wanted to cum so badly but she also wanted Ryder to come with her so she sped up her pace. "Cum for me kitten" Ryder said as she exploded around him collapsing into his arms as he finished inside her. Ryder held her for a few minutes before she climbed off, "good girl, you can clean up" Ryder said. Olivia smiled as she took his erection into her mouth and licked off both of their juices and swallowed. Ryder put his pants back on properly and Olivia looked to him, wondering if he wanted anything more.

"You can dress kitten" Ryder said as she put her dress back on and stood in front of him, "did you need something else?" Ryder asked her. "I want more of you sir, I want everything" Olivia said. "I do too my sweet kitten but we will be landing soon and we will need to pace you I have plans for us don't you worry" Ryder said pulling her onto his lap as he kissed her forehead. The fasten seatbelt came on and Ryder pulled her into the seat next to him and she fastened her seatbelt but remained cuddling him any way she could. Olivia loved everything about him and she was excited to marry him and see where life would take them. She thought about her wedding and remembered she made plans with Lily and now she was in New York she felt bad she had to cancel. The plan landed and Olivia sent a quick text to her friend hoping she wouldn't be to upset.

*Hey love, so um I am going to have to cancel this weekend , Ryder needed to go to New York and he wanted me to go too.  Sorry I will make it up to you!*

Lily replied back

*Lucky, you better not buy a dress without me! I am jealous I have always wanted to go to New York. I am guessing Parker is with you then?*

Olivia laughed, and replied

*yes he is working...I will tell him you miss him*

Lily texted,

*or just hi works too*

Olivia laughed as she put her phone away and Ryder grabbed her hand as they exited the plane, "Parker, Lily says hi" Olivia said as they walked to a waiting limo, Olivia gasped. "What?" Ryder said, "I have never been in a limo before sir" Olivia said, "well you can't come to New York and not ride in a limo" Ryder said. Olivia smiled as they drove to their hotel, it was currently 11 pm in New York and she was tired. Olivia also knew Ryder had plans for her and she was hoping it would involve sleep as she yawned. "Hey kitten none of that yawning business, we are not finished yet" Ryder said. "I am sorry sir I am tired" Olivia said, "too bad, New York is the city that never sleeps" Ryder said. "Well as much as I want to enjoy New York I am to tired to take it in and I am afraid I might miss something exciting sir" Olivia said. "Relax kitten we are just going to the hotel tonight but I do have plans for you my sweet kitten so no sleeping yet" Ryder said. "Okay master" Olivia said as she leaned into him and closed her eyes. Parker laughed as he watched her fall asleep, "what is funny?" Ryder asked, "nothing she is clearly tired" Parker said, "no one asked you for an opinion she won't be tired in a few minutes" Ryder said. "Okay, sorry I think you guys are hilarious" Parker said. Ryder rolled his eyes, they arrived at the hotel, and Ryder shook Olivia, "kitten you want me to carry you inside or can you walk?" he asked her. "Hmm?" Olivia asked, "we are at the hotel can you walk?" Ryder asked, "oh yes sir" Olivia said as she followed him out of the limo. Olivia was impressed this was a very fancy hotel, she was not expecting it to be so beautiful. They walked up to the front desk and the receptionist greeted them, "Welcome to the Ritz-Carlton" she said smiling at Ryder. "Hi we are checking in under Jackson" Ryder said. "Yes of course Mr. Jackson" the woman said Olivia glared at her her name tag said Drea. "Your suite is ready here is your key cards and Montez will help you take your bags up" Drea said. "Thank you" Ryder said as he took the key cards giving one to everyone except Olivia he didn't plan on having her leave his side. They arrived on their floor fairly quickly and were taken to the presidential suit.

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