Chapter 37

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I was having the worst of all days, dealing with this whole mess with Felix. I honestly should have just killed him. I knew that I wanted to for him even looking at my wife but I cut him some slack and just beat the shit out of him. Of course now he was suing me well wanting to charge me with assault. I mean did I blame him of course not, but he knew it was coming, no one touches Olivia but me. "Ryder do you not realize the severity of this?" my lawyer Wendell said. "I get it, but I am not accepting it, he had it coming" I said, "you can't possibly think that what you did was okay" Wendell said. "Wendell no offense but he took advantage of my wife when she was in a vulnerable state and literally scared her beyond words. He is lucky all I did was break his nose and face, I wanted to kill him" I said. "You could go to jail" he said, "I am paying you a lot of money to not let that happen, so fucking figure it out" I said. "I will try Ryder but honestly I am not sure how much I can do" he said walking away. I knew going to jail was not an option, and I needed to fucking fix this because I needed Olivia in more ways than one. I had Evan drive me to the hospital, and I walked into Felix's room, "get out" he said, "listen to me, you know you deserved this but sending me to jail over it is beneath you, what will it take for you to drop the charges?" I said. "Fuck you" he said, "I literally paid for your fees at the club, and handed you a great sub to do whatever too and you repay me by going after my wife. I mean come on" I said. "I hope you rot in jail" Felix said, "you know that will never happen and you are literally digging yourself into debt right? I mean you were broke before but this will destroy you and your reputation in this town when your social life gets leaked" I said. "I could easily expose you to Ryder not like you are a saint" Felix said. "I am not but you have no evidence too back up your claims and my reputation in this town well out ways yours, so I would think about this before speaking. Unless you want to spend the rest of your pathetic life out on the street begging for money then I suggest you drop the charges and let me make it up to you" I said. "Fine give me 5 million and I will leave town" he said, "Really 5 million, I will give you 3 and a plane ticket" I said, "deal" Felix said as he called Elijah dropping the charges against me and I wrote him a cheque for 3 million and had plane ticket waiting for him at the airport.

I mean was I being dumb of course but it was better than spending time in prison, this way he would leave and I wouldn't see him again. It was just after 5 and I needed to get home to my wife, I missed her so damn much. Evan drove me home and I walked in the door spotting her on the couch she was writing. I walked up to her and kissed her neck, "5 minutes meet me upstairs" I said to her and walked away. I unlocked the purple room and headed to our room to change, I was so ready to torment her and in all honesty I had a lot of aggression built up so she was in for a rough session. I walked into the room and she was in position staring at the floor, my god she was beautiful, I set a few things up before I made my way over to her. "Hands behind your back" I said as she moved them there and I pulled her braid down so she was looking at my face and I kissed her hard taking in her amazing taste. I wanted her to be putty in my hands tonight as I stopped and watched her looking at me, "Fuck Olivia you are amazing, walk on your knees to the center of the room, and if you move your hands I will punish you" I said. She made her way there a little slower than I would have liked but with her hands behind her back I could only imagine how hard that was. I secured her wrists with cuffs and pulled her back so she was arched and leaning on her hands as I secured them to the ring on the floor. I then grabbed her legs and tied them with a rope as I pulled them up and secured them to the metal frame, she was in a very vulnerable position. I stood above her, "I thought about what you said, and that you were more my slave then submissive. I agree with this and I decided from now on you will literally do anything I ask. So my decision on everything is final, do I make myself clear kitten?" I said, "Yes master" she said, "good girl, now you will come to work with me Wednesday to Friday do you object?" I said, "no master" she replied, this pleased me it meant she was thinking about me as well. 

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