Chapter 15

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Ryder came back downstairs and sat with Olivia at the table she stared at him, "Olivia this is going to probably anger you. I need you to know that I love you and I would like for you to not overreact" Ryder said. "I am so scared of what you are going to tell me sir" Olivia said, "I have a new employee working for me at the office and you and her have some history, she is James' new assistant" Ryder said. "RYDER! absolutely not I forbid her to be anywhere near you!" Olivia said with anger in her voice. "This would be you overreacting and you will watch your mouth with me or I will make it so you can't sit for a week" Ryder said to her. "I don't like it please fire her" Olivia said. "I will if she deserves it but like I said she is working for James and Melanie is working for me. This way she is not as busy, she has assured me that she will not try anything. I also think she might have a thing for James" Ryder said. "I am so angry at you right now!" Olivia said. "That is fine but if you continue to speak to me without your phrasing and that tone I will take you back to the dungeon tomorrow and leave you there for whole day and night" Ryder said. "Whatever" Olivia said as she pushed her food aside and ran upstairs to their room and cried. 

Ryder knew she was pissed off but it didn't excuse her for talking to him like this, he was going to give her a few minutes. Ryder ate his dinner, and wrapped hers up for later as he went upstairs, and found her on the bed crying. He had a paddle with him she needed to be punished but first he was going to talk to her. "Kitten talk to me" Ryder said, "I would rather not sir" Olivia said, "Okay but you are going to be punished for your attitude then you can do whatever you want after that. I will not tolerate the way you spoke to me downstairs" Ryder said. "Please don't master I am sorry" Olivia said. "I get that and we can talk about it after but you need to learn and I won't ever be spoken to like that again" Ryder said. as he flipped her over onto her stomach and lifted her dress. "I want you to count for me Olivia" Ryder said as he struck her hard on the ass. "One" she said, again Ryder hit her, "two" she said with a tear she wasn't crying from the pain but everything that happened today. "Three" Olivia said and she counted to twenty when he stopped. Ryder flipped her back over and she was crying he pinned her in place and kissed her hard making her wet for him. 

"Tell me kitten what is really upsetting you?" Ryder asked, "everything you said downstairs, you had me chained to a freezing cold table all day and then tell me that Kara is here and not only that but she is working for you. Which means that you will be seeing her everyday at work while I am stuck wondering if she is going to be seducing you behind my back. I fucking hate her and I need you to fire that bitch right now!" Olivia said she was still mad. "I hear your concern and if you cuss again I will not hesitate and you will be in the dungeon all week Olivia I mean it. Let me make this as clear as I possibly can so you understand. I love you more than words could ever express. I am not interested in Kara or any other girl for that matter, you are my life Olivia and that will never change. I will always come home and want nothing more than to show you how much I love you. I am marrying you in 2 weeks the girl of my dreams and I need you to understand that no one will ever come between us not ever" Ryder said. "Okay" Olivia said, "Kitten I meant every word" Ryder said. "I know I believe you master I just don't trust her" Olivia said. "Do you trust me?" Ryder asked her, "I do, but at the moment I am not sure sir" Olivia said, "why is that?" Ryder asked her, "You hired that bitch! and it makes me not trust you at the moment sir" Olivia said. "I warned you about the cussing Olivia I don't  like it you will be spending your day in the dungeon again and I don't care how angry you get. Kara works for James and if she does anything out of question I will know about it and she will be fired" Ryder said. "I am sorry I swore again sir please don't lock me in the dungeon again" Olivia said, "I am not going to do this Olivia if you break a rule you will suffer the consequences, I told you what the consequence was and you again chose to do it. I am not going to change my mind because you are sorry" Ryder said. 

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