Chapter 25

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Ryder pushed into Olivia so hard she was so close to an orgasm and she pulled him towards her running her fingernails down his back. "Cum for me kitten" Ryder said and as if his words put a spell on her Olivia came hard, and it was amazing as Ryder followed suit, "I love you so damn much husband" Olivia said. "I love you too my beautiful wife, now as much as I would love to fuck you until you pass out we have guests" Ryder said as he pulled her out of the limo. "Thank you sir" Olivia said. "Anytime kitten this will be the best honeymoon of your life" Ryder said to her. The party had died down quite a bit, and there were only a few guests left, mostly just friends. "Let's take the party back to my place, I wouldn't mind relaxing" Ryder said to everyone. "Sounds perfect" Drew agreed and they all climbed into the limo as it drove them back to Ryder and Olivia's house. 

"What is the plan?" Lily said, "why does there have to be one?" Olivia said back, "are you kidding you two just got married we have to at least play some sort of game" Lily said. "You and games never turn out good" Olivia said, "we could do like a couple's game, where we answer questions about the others. It will be fun please" Lily said. Olivia looked to Ryder and he answered for her, "As long as it doesn't backfire on me I am in" Ryder said and Olivia rolled her eyes. Drew noticed it and so did Ryder but at this point Olivia didn't care. They arrived at the gate and were stopped by someone Olivia didn't recognize. "Evening sir" the new guy said, "Three people will be leaving at some point Rick" Evan said, "sounds good boss" Rick said as they drove into the garage. "Did you hire more guys?" Olivia asked. "I did a few actually" Evan said, "hmm interesting" Olivia said as Ryder stared right at her. It was as if he was telling her with his eyes what was coming later for the eye rolls but she didn't care. Tomorrow they would be going on their honeymoon and she couldn't be more excited. 

"Boys will make the drinks and the girls will set up the game" Lily said, Olivia knew instantly that Ryder would not give her alcohol and she knew this game would be unfair. "Sounds good Lily, but first Olivia I need to see you for a second" Ryder said as she followed him upstairs. As soon as they were alone, "sir please wait" Olivia said, "No way this dress needs to come off right now and then I am going to fuck you hard and fast" Ryder said. "Okay yes but sir you have to make this game fair" Olivia said, "What game?" Ryder asked as he helped her out of her dress, "the drinking game" Olivia said. "I am not worried about that right now kitten and if you are going to continue to talk about something irrelevant I will fuck you for me and not for you" Ryder said "Sorry sir" Olivia said as she helped him out of his tux and he pushed her onto the bed and kissed her as he pushed inside her and she was wet from the vibrators. "Sir may I please take the plug out?" Olivia asked. Ryder pulled it out as he continued to fuck her hard, and she moaned it somehow felt different to her now that he was her husband. "Cum kitten" Ryder said as she moaned her orgasm around him and he followed shortly after, "thank you husband" Olivia said, "I like the sound of that, my sexy wife, now we better go downstairs before we get yelled at by Lily" Ryder said. "Hmm she will probably know anyways but I don't care you are now my husband and I will fuck you anytime I want too." Olivia said, "I think that I will fuck you anytime I want too. If you are going to continue that talk I might just have to forget all about our guests" Ryder said as he pushed her against the wall of their closet and kissed her hard. "As much as I would love that master I am curious about this game" Olivia said, "says the one who didn't want to play" Ryder said handing her a dress. "Thank you sir, and I am curious what you know about me" Olivia said. "I know everything kitten" Ryder said as they walked downstairs, Ryder having changed as well.

"About time" Lily said, "shut up I am newly married so pardon me if I needed a few minutes alone with my husband" Olivia said. "Fine I will give you that" Lily said, "Ryder I am wondering what your plans are for tomorrow" Evan said, "I think we only need 4 with me and then the rest can take a break and keep this place safe" Ryder said, "any preference on who goes with you?" Evan asked, "I would like Morgan for Olivia, and You, Parker and Blake" Ryder said. Lily's face fell as soon as she said Parker. "Its only a month or 2 babe you will be fine" Parker said kissing her. "I know but still its a long time" Lily said, "lets get this game underway" Ryder said, "right I think the boys should start, Evan you are the host and there is a list of questions, right now all the girls will be writing an answer and the men will have to guess. If they are wrong they drink" Lily said. "Okay sounds good, Evan let's go" Ryder said, "Okay what is your favorite thing that he wears?" Evan asked. Olivia wrote her answer quickly, "Drew you first" Evan said, "I mean with her I would have to say nothing" Drew said, "ew" Lily said, Parker gave her a look, and Evan said, "Jade your answer" and she showed them and it said nothing. Olivia laughed and Lily found herself blushing. "Thats my girl" Drew said as he didn't have to drink, "Parker?" Evan said, "my leather jacket?" Parker said, Lily showed them the card, and it said leather jacket. "This question might have been to easy to start out, Ryder?" Evan said, "my ripped jeans" Ryder said, and Olivia smiled as she showed ripped jeans, so far everyone was staying sober. 

Point of no Return Pleasing my master 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora