Chapter 21

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Olivia cuddled Ryder as she thought he fell asleep beside her, she was still cold from the table and he was warm. "Kitten you need to sleep" Ryder said, "I can't sir" Olivia said, "why? What is wrong kitten?" Ryder asked her as he sat up a bit so she could look at him. "I just feel like you are mad at me, I didn't want to sit on the stripper sir but it was part of Lily's scavenger hunt, and I just wish I didn't do it I am sorry master" Olivia said as she looked down with tears. Ryder lifted her head and wiped the tears, "First I am not mad at you, second I knew what was happening with Lily's party tonight Parker told me and he showed me the card. Third the card didn't specify that it needed to be a male stripper that is what you decided on. Lastly it was your bachelorette party and I get that you wanted to win. So for those reasons I am not mad but you did however touch another male and you also let him touch you and that is the reason you were punished" Ryder said. "Oh man I just assumed stripper meant male because I am a girl, I didn't think that through sir I am sorry" Olivia said. "I get that and that is why I needed to see the picture had it been another female then I would not have punished you do you see where I am going?" Ryder said. "Yes sir and I am sorry" Olivia said, "its fine I am not upset in fact I am over it, now I have a busy week ahead of me as we are getting married soon so I would like to sleep" Ryder said. "Yes sir sorry" Olivia said as she cuddled him but she sat up again, "tomorrow is Sunday though right sir?" Olivia said, "yes kitten it is but I am going to work because I am taking Thursday and Friday off for our wedding. Plus we are going on our honeymoon on Sunday so I sort of need to catch up" Ryder said. "Okay sorry I get it, night master I love you" Olivia said, "I love you to kitten" Ryder said, as she finally fell asleep.

Ryder's alarm went off at 6 am and Olivia didn't even flinch Ryder knew she was tired, he rolled her off himself and went to his gym. Ryder did a power workout today he wanted to feel it as he knew workouts would be minimal over the next bit. Once he was done he went to their bathroom and showered. Olivia was still sleeping, Ryder full dressed lay beside her, "I love you kitten I will try come home early" Ryder said as he kissed her head and left. Olivia groaned she heard him but she didn't want to get up yet. Ryder hated having Mrs. Jenkins on leave but he knew her baby was due any day now and he could manage on his own. Ryder grabbed something quick for breakfast he would have something ordered when he got to work, Parker was waiting for him. "I may never get used to going in on a Sunday" Parker said as he yawned, "I am surprised you're coming to be honest, how late did you stay out with Lily?" Ryder asked, "late, but Evan was dealing with something all night and he is more tired than I am" Parker said, "something I need to worry about?" Ryder asked, "No something to do with security for your wedding and what is happening over the honeymoon he doesn't want anything to go wrong since he is a part of the wedding and so am I" Parker said. "I didn't expect this to stress him out, I mean I know keeping the press out is going to be the hardest" Ryder said. "Yes and he has hired like 10 more guys just for that but he also said he will pay them so you don't have to as they are just temporary" Parker said.

"I pay him so in a sense I am paying them as well, but whatever he wants to think" Ryder said, Parker laughed, "I do need to know who he is hiring though as well" Ryder said, "yes he told me he sent you copies of everyone's resume's" Parker said. "Great another thing added to my list of shit, I am so ready to get married but the amount of shit I have to do over the next few days is going to be annoying" Ryder said as they pulled up to the office building. "I get that, how long are you going on your honeymoon?" Parker asked as he pulled into the parking spot in the garage. "As long as I need too, it totally depends, plus I am taking the yacht so I can be gone as long as I want or Olivia wants" Ryder said. "Right, how many of us are you taking with you?" Parker asked, "I don't know I will cross that bridge when I get there" Ryder said as he walked into his office, he hated that Melanie was not here today. Ryder should have brought Olivia, so he could at least get a coffee. Ryder groaned at the amount of paperwork he had and looking at everything he needed to do. Ryder signed everything he could, making sure his business would not suffer when he was gone. Ryder ordered a strong coffee and some food for himself and Parker as they were the only ones here today. 

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