Chapter 16

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Drew was using a dragon whip to start out and he smacked Olivia hard across the ass, "One I will not disobey my master" Olivia said with tears, Drew struck her again and it hurt. Drew was not as gentle as Ryder and Olivia half expected it "Two I will not disobey my master" Olivia said again. She did this until they reached ten. "Olivia I have a few things to do I will be back soon, in the meantime there will be no talking to anyone. There I am sure will be use of this room today so you will stay in this position and keep your mouth shut understood" Drew said, "Yes sir" Olivia said and Drew left, Olivia cried she was so scared of him now. Her butt was on fire and she knew that it was only a matter of time before he came and punished her again. Olivia heard people in the room and she knew it was another Dom and his sub as she could hear him talking to her. Olivia tried not to stress about what was coming next but being blindfolded made her even more nervous. Drew came back into the room, "drink this Olivia" he said as he put a straw in front of her, Olivia did as she was told and she was grateful. "Now I am not going to hit you again as of right now but I am going to change the position you are in. This one will be extremely uncomfortable and that is the point to the punishment" Drew said. "Yes sir" Olivia said as she felt Drew uncuff her wrists he pulled her forward and she felt something around her neck she didn't like it. She felt whatever it was around her neck get cuffed to the floor and now she couldn't move her head, he then pulled her arms behind her back. Olivia felt them lift as he cuffed them above her stretching them and causing her shoulders to hurt slightly. Drew then pulled her legs closer together and bent her knees and cuffed them to the floor. "How does it feel Olivia?" Drew asked, "Awful sir" Olivia said, "Good now, remember no talking Olivia unless it is a safe word. I will be watching and I can hear you" Drew said as he walked out of the room.

Olivia cried she hated this so much, she would rather Ryder just tied her to the table and left her there. This was worse and she at this point didn't know if she was angry with Ryder or if it was just at herself. Ryder made it to work and found Kara at her desk, "I am sorry about yesterday, Olivia's behavior was unacceptable" Ryder said. "Its fine sir I sort of expected it, I mean she was not wrong" Kara said. "About what?" Ryder asked her, "I did originally come here for you, I heard all about you from my sister and I admit I did want to steal you" Kara said. "Who was your sister?" Ryder asked her curious, "I would rather not say, I sort of want to keep my job" Kara said, "Alright, how do you feel now?" Ryder asked her, "I will keep my distance sir I know your feelings towards Olivia and I won't overstep" Kara said. "Good to hear, have James come see me when he gets in" Ryder said. Kara nodded and Melanie handed him a coffee, "thanks Melanie" Ryder said as he walked into his office. Ryder called Blake, "Yes sir?" Blake said, "I need you to find out something for me. Do a background check on Kara Bradbury for me please" Ryder said. "You bet sir" Blake said as he set to work. Ryder was definitely keeping Blake busy these days but he didn't mind as hacking things was his favorite thing to do. 

Ryder checked in on Olivia using the cameras and she was crying and Ryder knew that position could not be comfortable. He wondered at this point if he was making a mistake letting Drew punish her but he trusted Drew so he knew he wouldn't overstep. Ryder sighed he really hoped his girl still loved him at the end of the day he closed the feed as James walked into his office. "What can I do for you sir?" James said, "I need to know how many more of everything we have in stock and how things are going with Chilton" Ryder said. "Of course sir, Chilton is doing extremely well actually and the progress in Africa is coming along nicely. We have another 10 MRI's in the works using the new program that your tech helped with and they will be done by the end of the week. We also have several more CT scanners and they all have potential buyers. Also the EKG is still in the works but it is also coming along and will be done soon as well" James said. "Perfect thank you" Ryder said as James left the room, Ryder called Lily and checked in with her about the Stryker program. Ryder was satisfied everything was coming along and Melanie walked in with his lunch. "Thank you Melanie" Ryder said as he ate his lunch and checked on Olivia again.

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