Chapter 19

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Olivia hated the days Ryder was at work, she wanted more and more to become his assistant. Olivia decided to go for a swim, "Morgan I am going to go for a swim" Olivia said. "Sounds good" Morgan said as Olivia went upstairs to change, she put on a bikini she knew Ryder would enjoy and grabbed a towel as she headed out to the pool. Morgan was close by and Olivia jumped in relaxing in the water. Olivia was enjoying her afternoon but she missed her man and she knew they were going to a show tonight, she didn't know what to expect. Olivia swam for about an hour then decided to relax in the sun. "Morgan, this is a hypothetical question" Olivia said, "I am all ears" Morgan said, "do you think Ryder will ever want to have kids?" Olivia asked. "Oh man um well I see how he is with Abby and I know he would make a great father. Ryder is complicated to say the least but given how much he loves you I think you could convince him" Morgan said. "Thanks that actually made me feel better, I can't wait for our wedding" Olivia said. "I am nervous for it" Morgan said, "what why?" Olivia asked, "The richest man in Chicago is getting married it is going to be a busy day for us, plus we are down Parker and Evan as they are part of the wedding. I just feel like security is going to be tight on that day" Morgan said. "Do you really think someone would try and sabotage our wedding?" Olivia said, "I don't know but people are crazy and Ryder tends to draw in the wrong crowd" Morgan said. "Oh man this makes me nervous now" Olivia said, "hey you worry about marrying him let us worry about everyone else" Morgan said. "Okay deal, just do your part and keep him safe" Olivia said, "I promise" Morgan said as she smiled. Olivia decided to go inside and grab some lunch she had an idea for another novel and wanted to see if she could put something together.

Olivia was super into her writing she didn't notice Ryder had come home and he stood over her, "kitten what are you working on?" Ryder said and Olivia jumped, "Master you scared me, I was writing another novel" Olivia said. "Is your first one even launched yet?" Ryder asked, "nope but it will be tomorrow I thought I would work on another one sir" Olivia said. "Well aren't you full of surprises kitten" Ryder said giving her a kiss. "I am, I missed you" Olivia said pulling him over the couch, "kitten the greed is showing and you my little sex kitten need to get ready to go" Ryder said. Olivia pulled him in and kissed him, "fine" Olivia said as she moved from under him and stood up. Ryder grabbed her, and slapped her hard on the ass, "you will remember your rules kitten or you will be strapped up right next to Jade understood" Ryder said. "Yes master" Olivia said as she ran upstairs with Ryder right behind her. Ryder changed as well and handed Olivia a dress, "this is a very interesting outfit sir" Olivia said, "well my kitten I am in charge and this outfit is perfect, get dressed and we will go over your rules" Ryder said. "Yes sir" Olivia said a she started to put a bra on, "kitten I gave you your outfit" Ryder said, "sir please" Olivia said, "are you questioning me, if you would rather go naked it can be arranged" Ryder said. "No master sorry" Olivia said as she put the dress on without the bra and walked over to Ryder. "Good girl now tell me your rules" Ryder said, "I will not look at anyone other than you sir, I will not speak to anyone but you sir, and I will do what you ask without hesitation sir" Olivia said, "good girl, and last rule you will wear this for me and count for me Olivia, I want a number by the end of the show" Ryder said placing a vibrator in her underwear. Olivia groaned this was the same one he had in New York and it really hit her hard when it was turned on. She was thankful that in this moment it was not on but she knew Ryder had a remote.

Ryder opened the door to the McLaren for her and she sat down taking a deep breathe she was super nervous and she wasn't even being featured. They made it to the club and Ryder pulled Olivia close, "I love you" he said to her, "I love you to master" Olivia said, "no wandering eyes kitten" Ryder said as they entered the club, Ryder immediately spotted Drew, "glad you could make it" Drew said. "I am curious what Jade did" Ryder said, "all will be revealed Ryder, how is she doing?" Drew said indicating to Olivia, "she is good a bit scared of you now but she has been following rules" Ryder said. "Good to hear, and I am sorry she is scared of me, I was just doing what you asked" Drew said. "She knows that, I am looking forward to learning some techniques, where is Jade?" Ryder said. Drew pointed to the center of the room and she was chained up head down and exposed for everyone to see. "Oh man she must have done something really bad" Ryder said. "You thought your sub broke rules, well like I said they all do it, she has been going through hell the last few days and this is her last punishment public humiliation. She will know not to break this rule again" Drew said. "Good luck" Ryder said clapping Drew on the back as he pulled Olivia to an empty booth and they ordered dinner.

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