Chapter 22

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Ryder made sure to set an alarm this time as he crawled into bed, he noticed Olivia put some pants and shirt on. "What are you doing kitten?" Ryder asked her, "I am going to clean the kitchen master" Olivia said. "Alright go ahead kitten" Ryder said as he closed his eyes and Olivia kissed him, "I will be back soon master" Olivia said as she went downstairs. Ryder fell asleep he was tired and he knew he had a very long day at work tomorrow. Olivia cleaned the kitchen she knew it probably wasn't Mrs. Jenkins clean but it was better than nothing. She turned off the lights and saw a shadow outside the window, she turned the lights back on thinking she was seeing things. Olivia didn't see anything, as she turned the lights out again and saw it. "What the hell?" she said, she didn't know what she saw but rather than waking Ryder up she ran downstairs. Evan was still awake, "everything okay?" he asked, "um I am not sure, I was cleaning the kitchen and when I closed the lights I saw a shadow. I mean I am not even sure" Olivia said, "Blake?" Evan said, "yeah?" Blake said he was at the gate, "anyone come in the gate?" Evan said, "not that I know of sir, why?" Blake said. "Just checking, I will check it out Olivia" Evan said as Olivia followed him upstairs, "was the door open when you came down?" Evan asked, "No" Olivia said, "PARKER, MORGAN, TREVOR, FINN UPSTAIRS NOW" Evan said loudly it scared Olivia a bit.

Olivia was impressed everyone was upstairs so fast it was like they weren't asleep, "Parker, Trevor with me upstairs, Morgan, Finn watch Olivia" Evan said and everyone followed his command. Parker was the first one in Ryder and Olivia's room and there was a figure standing over him, as soon as they entered the room the figure disappeared out the window so fast. "That couldn't have been an easy drop" Trevor said. "No, Blake someone is on the property find out who it is and figure out why the alarm was not triggered" Evan said. "Parker is he okay?" Evan said noticing Ryder hadn't moved, Parker shook him and he opened his eyes as he gasped. "Ryder?" Parker said, Ryder looked at him with panic on his face, "What is going on?" Ryder asked noticing his security team. "Someone was in the house" Parker said, "Olivia?" Ryder said, "she is fine she actually was the one who noticed" Evan said, "who?" Ryder asked, "we don't know and we are trying to figure out how they even entered the property" Parker said. "Are you hurt?" Evan asked, "no I don't think so, find out who it was Evan" Ryder said, "we will" Evan said as Olivia entered the room and hugged him. "Master are you okay?" Olivia asked, "I am are you?" Ryder asked, "yes sir" Olivia said as she hugged him. Ryder lay back down holding Olivia tight, "we will leave I will have someone sit in the main house, and we will find them" Evan said as they all left. "Morgan, Finn you are to remain here understood" Evan said, "yes sir" Morgan and Finn said together. "Blake anything?" Evan asked as he and Parker headed downstairs, "yeah I got her boss" Blake said, "and?" Evan said, "you are going to want to bring Ryder out here, and maybe not Olivia" Blake said. "Okay make sure she doesn't leave" Evan said, "she won't be going anywhere she broke her leg" Blake said as she was in pain.

Evan went back upstairs, "Ryder come with me" he said, "Kitten stay here and if you even so much as think about leaving this bed you will be locked in the dungeon until our wedding day" Ryder said as he dressed and followed Evan. Olivia knew not to leave the bed, but she was now super worried and very curious. "Who is it?" Ryder asked knowing his team caught her, Evan lead Ryder to the yard where she jumped. "Seriously, what the hell do you want?" Ryder said. "I want you, why does she get to marry you?" Kate said. "I don't have to answer that, how did you get onto the property?" Ryder asked, "through that yard their master" Kate said, "I am not your master anymore Kate you know that. I can arrange for you to have another Dom if you want but I am off the table" Ryder said. "Why though what does she have?" Kate asked, "like I said I am not going to answer to you, Kate I won't press charges for you breaking in, if you want another Dom just let me know I have someone who can help you with your needs" Ryder said, "yes please" Kate said, "it will be arranged then I will have him meet you at the hospital while you deal with that" Ryder said. "Thank you, Ryder," Kate said, "your welcome next time maybe just ask rather than scare my girl and break into my house" Ryder said. Kate nodded as the paramedics arrived and took her away.

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