Chapter 24

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Wedding dress pic in above image

Olivia woke up the next morning and she felt sad, she missed Ryder beside her. She looked over to his side of the bed and sighed, but today was supposed to be happy she was getting married. She started to cry and she felt like she was being stupid, "pull yourself together" Olivia said to herself. She climbed out of bed and went downstairs, "my baby girl is getting married today!" Grace said pulling Olivia in for a hug. "Mom" Olivia said, "I just can't believe it, I wish your father was here to see you, and to walk you down the aisle. I wish he could have met Ryder I think he would have really liked him" Grace said, "I think so too, and dad will be with me mom, I have you to walk me down the aisle and I can't have you crying because then I will cry and I am supposed to be happy" Olivia said. "I am sorry I just can't help it" Grace said, Lily came into the room, "okay get it all out now Olivia because when your make up gets done no crying!" Lily said, "I am getting married!" Olivia squealed, as the hair and make up team arrived, "Okay Olivia this is it are you ready?" Lily said. "Yes!" Olivia said with excitement as she sat in a chair and was getting pampered. "Man Ryder went all out for us here, we have everything we need" Lily said, "yes well he does tend to get carried away" Olivia said. "He is going to be amazing to you love, and I am so happy you found him" Lily said, "I am too" Grace said, they toasted to Olivia and sipped Champagne. 

Olivia knew she needed to be careful it was going to be a long day and Lily already cracked open champagne bottles. It took a little over 4 hours to get their hair and make up done, "good thing we started early" Lily said, "You look beautiful darling" Grace said. Olivia had her hair half up and half down. It was curled perfectly in ringlets and the messy bun in the back had tiny flowers stuck to it. They drove to the botanical garden where they would finish getting ready in the tent that was provided. Olivia told Ryder she refused to wrinkle her dress in the limo, and he made sure that they had a private place to get dressed. "This place looks stunning" Lily said, "did they shut it down?" Grace asked. "Yes he paid for the garden to be closed for our wedding" Olivia said. "Man that must of cost him a fortune" Lily said, "he refuses to tell me how much all this cost, he told me it didn't matter because today was all about me" Olivia said, "and that is true, it is all about you. He truly is remarkable" Grace said. Grace and Lily helped Olivia into her dress and she was ready. "Can I come in? Its Jade" Jade said, "yes of course" Olivia said, "wow you look beautiful, I have a gift for you from Ryder" Jade said. "Oh, what is it?" Lily said, "Oh um well he said to open it in private" Jade said. "Of course he did" Olivia said as she rolled her eyes, she knew he could not see her right now. She went into the bathroom and opened the box, "oh master you truly are going to ruin me today" Olivia said as she looked at the butt plug and the tiny vibrator. Olivia knew what he wanted and there was even a note, "Kitten, I can't wait to see you in that stunning dress. I expect you to wear these without complaint, I promise to behave with the buttons. I love you and I can't wait to marry you" Master. Olivia rolled her eyes I mean how could she deny him, she knew she couldn't, she lifted her dress carefully and pushed the butt plug in. She sighed at the little vibrator as she was not exactly wearing and easy pair of underwear to put it in. She did however notice a small clamp and she laughed he really did think of everything. 

Olivia came out, "Jade tell him I said thank you" Olivia said and Jade left, "what did he give you?" Lily asked. "Never you mind" Olivia said, knowing very well she couldn't tell her, "Are you ready honey?" Grace asked, "yes I am more than ready" Olivia said, Jade made it back to where Drew was. "Did Olivia like her gift little one?" Drew asked, "yes master and she even rolled her eyes" Jade said. "Interesting Ryder is going to just love that, you sit here little one and don't talk to anyone" Drew said. Jade nodded and sat down in the chair the wedding would be starting soon. Drew went to check on Ryder, "you ready?" Drew asked him, "yes, did Jade deliver?" Ryder asked, "yes and I was told a few eye rolls accompanied it" Drew said, "perfect I expected that, but I promised I would be nice with the buttons I can't have her getting jumpy just yet" Ryder said.  "My advice would be to wait until after the ceremony" Drew said, Ryder laughed, "that is what she would expect though, I mean I am supposed to be in charge" Ryder said. "Yes but everyone will have eyes on her, and someone might get suspicious" Drew said. "Alright" Ryder said, "the girls are ready" Parker said, Ryder took a deep breath he was getting married and he couldn't wait to see her in that dress. Ryder walked down the aisle and waited for his girl, there were a lot of people there. He wasn't surprised him getting married in the public eye was a huge deal. He could see his security team running around and he prayed that nothing went wrong.

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