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(Youtube is feeding me these renditions of poison daily, and this specific version I keep hearing it with her voice more and more fitting with each newer version of it uploaded.) (Like I saw Charlie, Vox, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Adam, Verosika and Lucifer) 

But yeah... Great.

"When will hell stop surprising me?" Lute asked out loud.

"Please, I've been here a long time and you've only seen the pride ring since that's where sinners reside." Camael grinned, nudging her with her elbow. "Hell has many spots not even hellborn would know about it is so vast."

"I'll believe you on that but this..." Poiting at a weirdly normal looking restaurant, like change the color scheme and it could be plopped down in heaven without standing out like a sore thumb. "Is not what I expected from hell."

"As an exorcist I bet you know my territories are a pain in your asses correct?"

"You can say that."

"Overcrowding and boosted up on innumerable drugs to make it through the extermination day while sinner or sinner death being the most common as violence is high... But it is also the safest compared to the rest I guess since I am not of the type to go on a rampage just because I am bored like some overlords do. I have my rules and laws, my goons to keep order, my goals. If you stay out of my way in you lane you could have a nice little life here. Which results in how normal Lucien's dinner looks or how this place might have felt good enough to build up a relatively normal looking place instead of it being built to withstand angelic hoards." 

"It... Makes sense."

"It is you that requested no fast food so unless you want that instead, it's this place."

"Sure, just pointing it out, not complaining."

"Good. After you angel~"

"Shut up with that tone."

"What tone~?"

"That one."

The inside lost it's normality tho, ground made of brimstone, ceiling of literal stalactites and some having blood dried on them, the tables made out of bones along with the chairs.

"I'll never get used to your decorations."

"You'd be if you spent some time here." Camael carelessly walked him, in heaven you'd wait for a waiter to seat you... Lute is assuming the twitching and impaled guy was supposed to be the greeting waiter, following the overlord. 

"No thanks." 

"Hell isn't as bad as you think."

"Yeah yeah with you heaven is worse I know." Waving it off, sitting down with her arms crossed at the table Camael chose, a terrified still alive waiter almost threw the menus at them.

She is given snippets of Camael's influence but Lute doesn't believe she's ever seen what she is truly capable off. What a fully in control wildfire could do what she went all out, and she felt she wouldn't want to see it. (Basically it is why the reader doesn't know either just how far she can go until ep. 6 because honetastly, would Camael pass up going to heaven through a lie of accompanying Charlie? And yes I know I misspelled honestly but it is so badly written I couldn't bring myself to correct it.)

"Don't do that!" She snapped at the workers.

"I told you before, anger doesn't solve shit."

"Not all shit but some shit it does solve and let's leave it at that."

"What even pissed you off enough to make it your whole life?"

"I did somewhat tell you?" She said but it sounded like a question, Camael not knowing how much she actually rambled on about. She shrugged, having no emotional turmoil in telling her story. "I was never the most... Pure, I had my flaws. I was born to do the dirty work while my siblings got to play pretend. I was to clean up their mistakes and deal out the judgment brought down. I hide things I did but it was all for them... And I got blamed for something I didn't do, no one believing me because of those previous points and faked clues about my involvement. I was thrown out of my home to die but didn't... And now I get to see them live as if I don't exist... So tell me, would you not be angry?"

Lute needed to agree, dying after being blamed and ending up in hell while those that kicked you out became angels was a kick in the guts, much more that a demon could never get their revenge and if they looked up they'd see heaven in the crimson skies.

Camael knew how to speak of things without mentioning the truth behind it. She'd bet her life on Lute not figuring out she's an angel. Even Lucifer is considered an angel despite being the king of hell so there is no way a woman with a tail and horns typically demonic with two out of four eyes would be considered an angel... Any new angel would believe they'd stay the same like Lucifer if they fell and no one would think they'd change like Camael.

It had been her hate and anger, giving into them, that made her topple over to a more demonic side anyway.

"Well said like that... It has a bit more sense then what I believed."

"What? What did you believe? What was the reason for my anger?"

Lute made a face that told Camael it was stupid.

"That... You weren't let into heaven and so you chose to hate it?"

Camael hid her head behind the menu, holding in a laugh that escaped her when Lute hit her with the other menu.

"Shut up!"

"Did you really think that of me?"

"I know fuck all about you outside of your drug empire and your constant flirting to get in my pants."

"You summarized it well tho."

"Don't you think that if you were nicer people would enjoy to talk to you more?"

"Would you?"

"... Actually no, you'd be boring." Lute rolled her eyes. "And it would come off as fakeass lying from what I know about you."

"You know little."

"Then tell me." Tapping her menu on Camael's head. "It is boring to be kept in the dark." She offered a smile, getting one back.

"Feeling like you are trying to get to know me."

"After a year I might as well."

"Well." Camael put her elbows on the table, fingers intertwined and her chin resting on them. "If so you wish angel~"

The Angelic Demon (Lute X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now