Getting Along

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(ep 7's Carmilla Carmin song is the sole reason why I might create a new fic for Hazbin lmao, that overlord is great. I think I'll write a few chapters for that tomorrow)

"So you can't fly either huh?"

"Nope, it is hard enough to fly with only three wings but now I have damaged feathers, it is almost impossible for me to take flight."

And that was the least of her injuries.

Tho she could easily be fixed up, not the complaining type for injuries.

It was mostly Lute that had the extreme flinching reactions in seeing Lucien stab a needle in Camael to stitch up the wounds just like that. She found it amusing.

"But that was a good idea, the deal."

"I wasn't even sure if I could do that from my side but it is a deal about protecting me so I thought that something would happen if I focused enough on needing help."

"It did work, lead me right to you."

"Sure but I almost got out by myself."

"Don't start complaining, I had people to kill outside of that room."

"Sure... Bitch needing the hostage to save herself." Lute gave a cocky smile, both on opposite sides of the couch and not even watching the show on the TV screen.

"Now now angel, I lost my eye for you don't forget that."

"I suppose, talking about that, you are matching now."


"One wing and two eyes on one side and two wings and one eye on the other side, three and three."

"You asshole." Camael laughed, Lute proud of it. "You absolute asshole."

"You're welcome."

"Eat shit."

"Right back at you Camael."

Camael sighed, shifting the bandage around her head a bit to scratch it.

"Wanna go out?"

"You can barely stand."

"You no fun angel."

"This is about you not collapsing, you looked like a Swiss cheese covered in your own blood. I much more like your annoying ass alive instead of dropping dead."

"So you won't try to kill me?"

"Keep on dreaming, your head is my price."

Camael flashed her a sharp smile getting a small one back.

"Well I'll be sure to stay alive so you can kill me yourself."

"How nice..." Moment of silence before Lute looked back at her. "Does it hurt?"

"Hmm?" Camael raised her brow.

"Just." Lute looked at her arm,  the light scars of the bite that destroyed it still sensitive for now. "You don't seem as hurt as you should feel."

"Oh no, All these wounds hurt like shit but in hell you can't afford to be weak when you are powerful or people will come after you."

Lute frowned a bit.

"Don't you have some painkillers?" She asked, standing to look through the cupboards and drawers. 

"Probably but it's fine, I can deal with it. I always have." She used the fact Lute was gone to carefully flop onto the couch. "Not only have I been shot and cut through I also an eye missing with a blasted part of my skull held by wire mesh, if my head wasn't killing me I'd worry."

"You don't need to suffer in silence. Didn't I fucking tell you: if it takes some ranting to feel better I have a pair of ears."

"My future murderer."


"Yeah whatever, in hell it is just hard to trust, many just want to use you and throw you away, as an overlord it is a lonely existence, so I am not used to letting my pain show."

"You idiot." Lute squinted at the letters on the box, hell's dialect and how they wrote certain words or words she never saw before made it hard to understand what she was reading, wondering how any earthborn sinner understood it, were they reborn here with an understanding off it... But in the end she worked out it was the aforementioned painkillers.

She popped one out of the pack and grabbed a cup since Camael didn't have normal glasses in this place, filling it with water before deciding against her better judgement to put a straw into it.

"I am no demon, knowing this is of no use to me." She walked back. "I won't tell if you don't tell about me probably killing hellborn sinners back there." She hadded the cup over first and the pill after the cup was grabbed.

"True, angels only kill earthborn sinners... Sure, I have no reason to tell Adam or heaven about that, it is not like you had a choice nor is there a way of checking." Camael popped the med in her mouth and sipped through the straw. Lute sitting on the TV neither was watching.

"Then I won't go around telling every sinner that the wildfire overlord is weakened."

"Good... You still sure you don't wanna go out?"

"If I agree to it when you can walk normally with that huge wound in your leg healed, will you drop it?"

"Only if you do."

"Than fine, when that wound is healed I'll go out with you."


"Not like that you bitch."

"Dammit, oh well, this is enough for me." Camael put the cup on the ground and crossed her arms behind her head.

"Better be enough for you demon."

"You are the one speaking angel."

The Angelic Demon (Lute X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now