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Lute absolutely despised how she looked currently.

Black boots, slick black pants, a red short-sleeved dress shirt, the white of her wing dyed red, and the demon horns on her head.

She looked ahead of her, kind of forced to follow the demon leading the way for her own good.

But she couldn't understand, the demon was complaining to herself or touching what was left of the horns on her head and flinching her hand away, why'd she do this?

Lute really didn't like how she looked, she was a damned angel not a fucking demon... But these horns and how they ended up glued to the hairband hiding in her hair.


She didn't like what feelings this caused for her.

"D-awe, do I worry you?" She snapped out of her thoughts when the grinning demon looked over her shoulder to speak to her. "Don't, they will grow back before your arm is fixed."

"I don't care about you." Lute answered defensively, looking at the red sky and towards heaven with a frown that almost was as permanent as the radio demon's smile, Camael thought.

"Sure." She chuckled but her head ache was deadly. At least today is calm.

She wasn't in a hurry, despite it all, she could catch the angels eyes wandering and looking at the scenery around them, she thought she'd leave her the time to get a good look even if she wouldn't tell her, it would end up with yelling that she wasn't even watching and that hell is ugly.

It's not ugly, heaven if just so square and strict, here buildings had personalities, some of them literally but let's not open that can of worms... Thinking about it... She barely remember how heaven looks anymore, that almost hurt her but not enough.

"You know, I would have thought Adam would have sent someone after you when you vanished."

"The goal is to kill you sinners I am just a soldier."

"Are you? You seemed to be pals with him."

"He is my superior."

"Mmm, yeah I guess, who'd be friends with a misogynistic bastard man."

"Take back what you said right now."

"Ep ep ep stop." Camael shoved her finger in Lute's face, pressing on her nose to make her back up. "You might get away with this in heaven for some reason but in hell you cannot go around behaving like that... Or you can but expect a fight and I don't think you can take a fight now."

"Hey~ Babes you look like sna--" Lute jumped as Camael side kicked the cat calling amorphous demon in what looked to be its head and the blob splattered on a building without the finger having left the spot it occupied on her nose, one pair of eyes glaring at her while the other looked at the remains of the blob.

"Got it?"

"Crystal." Lute hissed and Camael grinned, finally pulling her hand back.

"Good, so behave and don't get trouble drawn to us, I don't like taking care of trouble, it gets really bloody."

"Yeah yeah whatever, as long as I am aliv--" Suddenly it was once again face to face that she was with the demon, stumbling back to put some distance.

"What if we made a deal~?"

"I don't make deals with demons!"

"Smart but I could just leave you here, my patience is running out angel, what will you do then?"

The glare was the only answer Camael needed.

"It would only be a temporary one. My protection in exchange for your soul."

"WHA--" "Ssh ssh ssh... I'm not done... That way I could ensure I know exactly where you'd be and could keep you alive while you are in hell and you'd be forced to behave because I sure know you won't. It would only last until you leave hell, it would keep me safe from you and you alive if you get in trouble since all souls I own are under my protection."

It was a skewed deal with not real gain outside of the control she'd temporarily have, it was on purpose heavily in the favor of the angel. Camael knew her reputation as the overlord that didn't enforce her control until it pissed was known by heaven so if the angel just behaves and doesn't piss her off she'd be free to do what she wants and would get protection... And Camael knew the angel would take such a deal.

Grinning huge when she shook her hand.

A chain appeared in her hand as Lute already despised the collar it connected too around her neck, quickly letting it vanish.

"Don't worry, it temporary as promised~" Camael grinned. "Only 354 more days of this~" Laughing to herself.

"Fucking shit..." Lute thought but until she healed fully she needed this and she knew it, she'd need this demon's strength to survive hell.

She could only hope the year would pass quickly...

The Angelic Demon (Lute X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now