New Year

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"Lucien... The swat--" "NO! No no no please, I am here on my own accord!" The spider boy of Valentino hid behind the newly opened new dinner's bar stool while Camael grabbed at the swatter.

"Speak before I whoop your ass."

"In the latest extermination, we got fucked over, you see, I lost all my personal stock and the distributors are empty. I thought I could maybe bye some from the source." He quickly explained.

"Drug shortage, yeah tends to happen for a few weeks. I need to fill up my storage before I sell again, you'd know, you are like dead for decades now."

"I knooooow but I want some, come on. I could pay~" She shoved him off the counter as he was leaning over it seductively.

"Didn't I already tell you I find you sinners disgusting? Get out of my face. I only accept cash if you really want something, want my to tell your boss you are harassing me?"

Angel Dust hid a shiver, nope, he absolutely didn't want that. That would end up really bad for him since he was currently not talking to a normal sinner but another powerful overlord of hell.

Sighing, pulling out his wallet with a pout, opening it and seeing a fly fly out of it, pulling out two banknotes.

"How much for this much?" Putting it on the counter. "Come on, be nice with me, I'll make sure to help Valentino advertise your stuff."

"Every type of drugs is literally my stuff." She grabbed the crumpled cash, smoothing it out and looking at it. "You are messing with me here? This can't pay for shit here, not even a cup of coffee from the actual dinner." Throwing the money at his face.

"Come on! I need this please! I'll get the money, I'll be filming by the end of the week again please, I need this."

She put her elbows on the counter, leaning forwards, not really bothered that she only had two eyes on the right side now, sure she lost part of her vision range but she still somewhat had depth vision because she still had two usable eyes.


"Please, I need this fucking shit." He grabbed her hands, making her cringe and back up.

"I don't want your body and you don't even have five bucks in total, how do you think you could pay me?"

"You're an overlord no? What about a little deal? Not for my soul, that's already sold sadly."

"And what could you offer me in a deal?"

"Information, you can't believe Valentino is playing it fair. You might think but I've seen things and oh oh ooooh, they are juicy!"

"And why would it interest me?"

"Territories for the taking, desperate souls, new market, trickery on sales, anything that goes on being closed doors. You give me the amount of stuff equal to the pertinence of the info I can give you but the catch is you always give me a minimum even if you can't do shit with the information."

"You'd bring trouble to me if Valentino starts being a pissy bitch. We already are one thin ice with him here... Fine." Holding up her hand, glowing with golden smoke. "It's a deal."

"Great!" He grabbed her hand but she squeezed it painfully, yanking him onto the counter almost and face to face with her.

"But if you trick me in any way, not even Valentino will be able to save your ass from my anger, got it."

"Crystal clear." He squeaked out before stumbling back when he tried to pull away and she let him go.

"Now speak up, tell me about how Valentino fucked with my merchandise again." She said, holding up a little baggy of the drug he took his name from.

"Oh gladly." He was fucking over Val for being such a dick while also fueling his addiction, a perfect mix.


"Bye boo! See you next time!"

Lute was almost hit by the dinner's door slamming open and a furry spider running out.

"What was that?" She asked, coming inside.

"No one special, just a new deal." Camael waved off, the demon having basically ignored that tense moment in the apartment and Lute went along with it, not a fan of it either.

"He seemed quite happy with it."

"I rats out his boss and gossip to me and I give him drugs."

"Ah, understandable." Sitting at the counter. "And like, yours was that you'd keep me safe until I left hell, I didn't really do that."

"You really want me to hold your chain again?"

"Well no but I want to be alive next time another group of idiot mafia guys somehow find out what I am."

Camael chuckled, true, 361 more days until next extermination, 361 more days to be found out and hunted down.

"Well don't worry angel, I'll keep you safe, it would be a shame to lose you like that."

"I am reassured." Even if she rolled her eyes.

Camael laughing softly.

"Well new year new promises, worry not, I won't fail."

The Angelic Demon (Lute X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now