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(Just so you know, I just watched the last eps, and this is a spoiler, but I'll need to break up the Lute-Adam duo if I want this story to work, so you luckily are getting a new angel OC for that to make sense since if the goal is for Lute to love Camael at the end of this fic I can't have her screaming at Adam as he is dying and crying over him.)

Lute hated thinking about this more often nowadays.

Ever since she was stuck here... Don't go dramatic bitch it has been one week and a half... She was starting to be less bothered sleeping with a demon in the room next to the one she was using.

She did realize she was occupying the only room and wondered why such a powerful demon didn't have a better kept place, this was not bigger then her home in heaven and it made sense since she didn't need more but she'd think that the king pin of the drug empire would at least have a modern TV.

She almost pitied her, trying all she knew about her together... It is quite a lonely existence living in an eternity of anger and having no one know much about you.

Tho it made Lute think a bit too much, she seemed to know things others would have no idea about. Like she knew why the demon had 3 wings only while being certain even Lucien couldn't tell her why that was the case.

She was quite literally squatting on the couch as she watched the drama unfold on TV while Camael was out and told her she could stay back. Lute instantly picked her up on the offer and she'd been watching this stupid show for most of the day.

"Why the fuck did you do that?!" She yelled, standing up on the couch, waving both arms as much as she could at the TV. "She told you she loved you you fucking cunt! Are you blind?! She loves you!! She'd do anything for you but noooo you are such a stuck up bastard that you can't believe that love is a thing!! Haughty bastard" She yelled at the characters before sitting back down with legs crossed.

What is she doing with her life? The time seems to go by so slowly in hell. In heaven she could train or help Adam but here all she could do was sit around or help a demon with things she didn't want to.

If only her arm of wing could heal faster, she could do other things. This is not her dominant hand so she can't do much with it anyway.

Looking out the window with an angry sigh, the sky dark.

"She's late." She didn't care much but looking at the clock on the wall, 7pm, she got used to scheduled end of the day and them getting back here around 6:45... She didn't like having memorized this... "Meh, I'll just eat her stuff."

She didn't like how dirty this place was so once in a while, when getting momentarily overwhelmed by the need, she'd pick up a few containers, papers or trash and put it where it belonged before realizing what she was doing and stopping... Still, it was much more presentable then before. Boredom is a powerful tool for an angel not used to having this much free time on her hands.

And the demon didn't have much normal food around so she ended up with a half bowl of milk and cereals in it for dinner, grabbing the spoon like a caveman to eat it at the counter since that's still not her dominant hand.

Lute's thoughts only momentarily wandered onto the idea that the waxy dye on her visible wing should be reapplied soon as it is smudging in parts.

"But that would require asking for her help..." She said.

Lute turned red, remembering all that she needed help with: she couldn't tie the boots, dye the wings, button or unbutton the shirt or even just roll up the blinds with one arm, always need to ask Camael, usually passive aggressively.

She grabbed the shit, lifting it and letting it fall against her skin, she just wanted to rip the buttons off but that would mean Camael might not lend her any new clothes and she'd walk around in a bra, exposed to all to see and she couldn't bare the thought.

She shook her head to chase the red away when the door to the apartment slammed open.

"Look at who's late." She said before jerking back as a golden sword was thrown and shattered her bowl of cereal.

She held the spoon uselessly now, casting Camael a look.

"Wow, what crawled up you ass and died?"

"Can you just not--"Camael got in her face, forcing Lute to do a back bend, holding on the counter to not fall as the angry demon leaned it more. "-FUCK with me for a moment?!!" She yelled at her before backing off.

Lute just watched her stomp of, feathers ruffled and hair whipping up as if gravity didn't matter, slamming the bathroom door behind her.

The angel looked at the angelic weapon still stabbed deep in the counter as she stood correctly, mouth a slight agape and eyebrow pulled up.

Still looking at the bathroom door, she walked to the front door and closed it before turning to the lock of it.

Crashing was heard from that room and she thought about ignoring it for a moment... Sadly that moment was not long enough.

"What are you doing Lute?" She asked herself as she leaned to the wall next to the bathroom door, the wall that she wouldn't be hit by a door swinging open if it would do so.

She listened from there, more then sure the porcelain sink was what broke from the sound of it or maybe the mirror, a sigh.

"You know you are only making your life harder by breaking your stuff?" Lute ended up asking through the door. "Like honestly, are all demons this stupid? You literally have someone that cannot leave here to rant too and you do, you melt her ears off her head but when you'd actually need to talk you are silent?"

She rose her brow again at the lack of answer.

"It's not like a I give a shit about you, don't get me wrong but it would sure suck for me to have to tiptoe to not get my head ripped off because you are in a pissy mood and refuse to talk about it bitch."

The silence was bothering her more then if she'd been yelled back at.

"Look." She sat down on the ground, grabbing her knees. "This will not do either of us any good. If it takes me listening to you to fix this... Well... I am here aren't I?"

She huffed at the silence but she didn't move, knowing just how stubborn someone can be in cases like these.


Camael decided she'd clean up tomorrow.

She could still feel the dirty touches, how dare these fucking sinners try to touch her?! How dare they put their hands on her?! She's a fucking overlord!!




This all was exhausting.

Momentarily touching her horns, they were already regrowing but there was a little grey jagged line in the black horn where she had broken them off for Lute. It would be maybe a week or two before they are back to their original glory.

She unlocked the door and opened it.

"Hmm?" Smiling incredulously at the scene.

Lute leaning against the cough, head mooshed against it as she fell asleep waiting for her to open that damned door.

"And you say you hate me." She chuckled. "You must at least have a bit of pity in your soul for me." She scooped her up in a hold, carrying her to the bed and throwing the blanket over her.

Rolling her eyes with a smile.

"You weird angel, weird." Closing the door behind herself gently this time. "But I guess I like having you around because of that."

The Angelic Demon (Lute X F.OC)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon