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As the years passed and the number of sinners grew, so did the number of angels sent down to get it done.

Any earthborn sinner would be exterminated in the half-day the angels came, hellborn sinners would be spared only if they stayed out of their way, only then.

And there was this one hellborn sinner Adam wanted gone, and he was not the only one.

Ever since the one they call the wildfire demon had risen to the rank of overlord, her territories has the least amount of deaths because angels didn't dare to face with her.

He had covered it up, of course he did, easily too, but that one sinner was responsible for not one nor two but three angel death and the mutilation of many more of them.

Being the head of a drug empire was also somehow helping her, letting her demons use any of her stock for free which ended up with crazed and messed up demons that were so shot up on any and all drugs that they either refused to drop dead, died but not because of the angels or were so lost in their minds that they tried fighting back which severely limited the causalities. 

Looking at the smirking face of the three wings down down in hell was infuriating.

He wanted nothing more then to wring her neck and get rid of her.

What also pissed him off that she reminded him of someone who was such a distant memory he could barely remember but he knew he felt deep hate for this memory and so that hate was directed at the sinner too.

This was the one sinner he was ready to head down to hell himself.

"Fuck this!" He flipped the desk he was sitting at.

Looking out the window of the golden and white building, looking away from the screen with the projected still image of the most hated demon after Lucifer.

He walked to the window, arms clasped behind his back with a devilish grin. The new exorcist recruits have all but finished their training and one of them was perfect for the task he had in mind.

"Rafael!" He called for one of his exorcists.

"Yes sir?"

"Please go get me that one over there, yeah that one, I have a few words for her."


"7 days ma'am, you think we are ready for this?"

Lucien asked, cleaning a glass in the dinner, it was closed and the lights were off but neither had trouble seeing, him being a bat and her having several eyes.

"The plan has worked for now, if I lose a month of product to ensure my territories make it through then so be it." She shrugged.

This place did work as a dinner sure but it was her main selling point too, she had many resellers but this was her own.
She didn't need to worry about Lucien, he was an honest boy, he wouldn't use which was another reason she couldn't understand him being in hell but whatever. You don't consume your own products anyway, it would be bad for the business.

"And you, hide like always, I am not willing to clean up your guts from the ground."

"But ma'am-" "Not but Lucien, I am not willing to risk your life."

"But if you fall to a weapon all would be gone."

"Would it?" She leaned back on the counter, having been sitting on it, crossing her knees and leaning on an elbow. "You know as well as me that you could run this as well as I do."

"Without you it would not be the same."

"No, I give that to you, but I am not that easy to kill and as the overlord of these territories I will protect all those that trust me with it. Many will die but it is a job I must do."

Laying down completely on the counter.

"One of these days your luck will run out."

"Not yet Lucien, not yet. I still have a dream and for that I need to survive."

She will put her boot so far up Sera's ass for kicking her out of heaven without hearing her out that for days she'll taste the blood of sinners she stomped underneath them.

The Angelic Demon (Lute X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now