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Camael had spent some time analyzing what she got from Vox instead of watching the TV, trying to figure out Alastor's vanishing.

He was almost winning the fight before just getting up and leaving; nothing on this video helped her.

And no one she sent to track him ever came up with any answers.

She never thought she'd want to look for the static stag but here she was, looking through hell for him.

After a while she just discarded the phone to watch the worthless show.

Friends he had said, his has no friends she had said back and they were just entertainment in each others possible monotonous life moments... But something what missing now that he was gone and it was not the entertainment.

Camael hated this, she was doing all this for revenge, not for fame, not for power even if her plan came with it... She didn't need friends or close ones... But she knew him for a while.


This was bothersome.


Lute felt worse than she had thought she would.

Each time she saw that new scar on the demon's neck, she was reminded that not only had she given up on heaven for one more year, but she had opened up her throat, remembering the fire not spewing out the correct hole, aka the maw.

She was no longer watching the TV but the demon that was fallen asleep, bored to sleep by this lazy repetitive episode of the drama.

She hugged her left leg and laid her cheek on its knee, sighing.

When she was so focused on only killing the demon she thought that being unable to chase her out of her mind was just a normal type of 'I hate you with all my soul' obsession... But it was becoming less and less likely.

Shaking her head, rubbing her hand down her face, this is bad, really bad.

As much as she is cold and a recluse in heaven, it doesn't mean she is a total newbie at the idea of what's going on here.

But it can't happen, it never can! No! It is against everything she has been taught, against everything she believed in and fought for.


But that damned smile.

That fucking laugh.

Those feats.


All they did was make the demon stay locked firmly in her mind.

She was right, Lute didn't know about what made Camael perpetually pissed but the worse was that Lute actually wanted to get to know the reasons.

She had gotten way to close to her to call it anything less then a friendship since she couldn't admit it truly that it was not only that.

But she'd still need to kill her later, when she gets back to her old life... Dammit, she hates how it feels like a pang, she hates it!


Smiling a bit.

Well... That's for later... There's still time...

And Camael looked almost adorable when sleeping, her usual expression seemed fake now. All the smiling cocky bitch and happy go lucky seemed like a mask as she had never seen her expression this relaxed, this calm.

... True, Camael was correct, she had no idea why she was always angry and sure, she had her own thoughts that pissed her off, currently being that she was in hell and she had been angry about that constantly but it was a side thought most of the time.

She did wonder what warranted such deep seated hateful angry in the demon's heart to base her whole life on it... Nothing can be worth such destructive anger.

She almost worried for her... What if the source of her anger is no more? What will Camael do then? A hollow emptiness is all that remains after such anger... She was human once as only the original angels are heavenborn... And she forever regretted that anger of her.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand that's when her brain decided to kick in the remind her that she has been staring at the demon for a long time, making her snap her head away and ignoring the heat she felt on her face.

Stop it, stop it Lute, bad Lute, bad, no, stop.




It's not like heaven needs to know.

But it is so bothersome.

The Angelic Demon (Lute X F.OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora