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"Well, little vermin, what will it be?"

"I'll nev--"BANG!!

"Wrong answer~"

Camael fit right into hell with her hate towards heaven and her magnificently easy time with killing, even between sinners there could be those disgusted with how easy she was putting to death others so mercilessly... It helped to be at the head of the extermination for a few decade and being the ex-angel of war but they didn't need to know.

She made the gun vanish as she pulled out a cigarette, putting it in her mouth and snapping, lighting it with the fire sparked on the tip of her finger.

"So damned annoying." She grabbed the tail of what looked like a cow demon, dragging them through the streets.

Being a murderer for hire pain magnificently since her record was 100% of missions completed.

It helped that she had angel origins, able to locate the sinner or hellborn she was asked if given anything that was theirs or part of them. A horn, a torn cloth or even their severed finger was enough for her to be able to tell where they were in all circles of hell.

She made a name for herself with the ruthlessness she displayed for all to see and her temperamental of a raging righteous fire.

She had been given a name even before because of her temper and how more then one establishment ended up on fire because of it.

The wildfire demon, it has a nice ring to it doesn't it?

Lucky here, lighting fires with nothing seemed to be a nice welcome gift from hell.

She dropped off the corpse to her client and got her money after putting a hole through another ones skull when they tried to scam her.

Despite the money, she lived in a little apartment, not having the need for more anyway.

She put out her smoke on the door she closed behind her.

With a sigh, she dropped on the couch face first with little care that a box of flattered ramen was under her head.

It needed a good spring cleaning but she didn't care, taking a nap.




She snapped her eyes open with a tight glare at who dared to wake her up.

Marching to the window and looking out of it with a sour face.

Some oddball demon going on a rampage.



She looked down at him, a large smile coming over her face.

"Gladly." Jumping out and flashing her remaining wings out just before hitting the ground to cancel out the drop, landing soundlessly.

Arm lifted and pulling out the golden sword.

"Let's dance sinner."

Running at the dude that looked like he'd need a face lift, as if his face was melting off, clashing swords with his pimp staff.

The impact shook through his shoulders as he was slid back, surprised by the strength, lifting the cane just in time to block another charge, the cane snapping in half between his hands.

Camael span on herself, sword whipping in a circle around her and cleanly cleaving the demon in half before reversing her grip and slashing upwards and then down again, dicing the demon before his body could hit the ground, creating a pile of demonic meat.

An eye rolled aside slowl--Until she squished it under her boot.

She is still an ex-angel, getting to get rid of one of these fuckers always feels great, she wonders how great it will feel to drive her weapon through the heart of an angel, will it be just as good or better? She can't wait.

Looking up at the clock tower that could be seen from everywhere, 231 days until next extermination, the first of which she'll be on hell's side.

Her smile was huge, how exciting.

But first she'll need to deal with the consequences of having killed this demon, as much as she was unaware, her had just opened the hunt for her head, having easily disposed of the overlord running this part of the city.

The Angelic Demon (Lute X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now