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"You know, I am starting to think you love me~" Camael said with a large toothy grin, ignoring the screaming of one specific angel who was trying to dice her up with wild strikes of a spear she easily blocked.

"You cunt!"

"Only for you, angel~" she ripped one of her hands off the spear, bending her wrist in a wrist lock before kissing the back of it and throwing her tumbling through the air.

By the time Lute had the time to right herself to not fall anymore, the demon was already in her face and she was thrown at a building again.

"Stop hiding your pretty face will you? You look much better then the mask." The demon always taking great pleasure in finding a way to rip the mask off her head, she even asked for a tighter fit but nothing, she always ended up without it.

Lute pulled herself out of the crater created by her impact, glaring as she looked at the mask dropped at the ground.

Her head tilted up buy a surprisingly cold hand under her chin, face to face with the demon.

"We don't need to always fight you know? We could take this to the bed~" Slink! "Now that's mean angel."

Camael grabbed the handle from Lute's hands, backing up, enjoying the blush, tho an angry one, she could get.

She twisted on the staff and ripped it out, her blood dripping down it.

"I am not some weak demon angel." Throwing the spear down. "There is much you don't know about me even with your spying."

"I am not fucking spying on you!"

"Huh... Weird... Even Adam didn't watch me so closely but suddenly there are often heavenly drone when I perform." She leaned against the wall, leaving the angel to free herself completely from the crater. "Do you like my voice~? You just need to ask and I'll give you a private concert~"

"You dirty bastard!"

Summoning her blade to once against start parrying the stabs while looking at her side, near her hip, it would bleed for a while and scar but she didn't really care in reality.

She was almost happy with it since it would be a reminder of the angel while she'll be gone.

Her disgust towards the demons' bodies never left her so it was not a surprise to herself that she was trying to get into the pants of a murderous exorcist that seemed as obsessed with killing her herself as Camael was to get to her.

Out of all exorcists she killed in the last decades, this ones face was not really special, she wasn't that much prettier then the others so oddly enough it was her abrasive personality that was attractive.

Sure she was attractive like every angel that wasn't that fucker Adam but few had this strong of a behavior, this challenge, this thrill, and Camael was all for it and she loved it.

"Die you cunt!"

Except that, that word was annoying her, maybe the little angel needs to be reminded who's the one making choices here.

She cracked her head left and right.

"Alright, you need to be taught a lesson angel." Oh how she wished she knew her name, sadly the angel wouldn't tell her.

With a flap of wings, tackling her in the air, shoulder driven into her stomach  before spinning on herself and throwing the angel down with all her strength, too close to avoid the impact with the ground.

She landed gracefully, no matter what monstrosity she did in hell, there were still straight up angelic qualities to her like elegance and precision or grace. She could get down right horrendous like a demon but well, she was not born one.

Crossing the distance as the angle pushed on her elbows, being face down on the ground.

Lute gasped at the stomp down on the middle of her back, shoving her back down, head bouncing on the ground.

"Misunderstand me no angel, the only reason you are still around is that you have a pretty face to look at and that I like the bitch you are but if you keep calling me a cunt I might put an end to it."

Groaning as the pressure was getting worse on her rib cage as the demon pressed down.

"I told you, name's Camael, use it before I paint my offices with your brains as I can still fuck a headless body!" That was more of a threat than a promise but visibly she was taken seriously.

With a strong shove of her foot, she flipped her and stomped in the middle of her chest, summoning her sword but unlike other times she didn't let her go at the ringing marking the end of the extermination.

She worried a bit, worried she had gotten used to being free to go back when the bells rang, the sword jabbed under her chin.

"What's my name little angel?" Camael asked with a large grin that could have minimally rivaled Alastor's for a moment.

Lute tried to shove out or summon a spear but she was stuck and the spear was yanked from her hold.

The sword moved but the foot shifted to press on her throat with all the demon's weight.

Struggling, she tried to lift it enough to breath but it was hard.

"My name angel, hurry up, the gates of heaven might close on you~"

Gritting her teeth but looking at heaven while she was choking.

Looking at the blade and the demon trapping her.

"My name~"

That damned voice, this damned demon, damn, fuck, shit!

"C...Camael." She grunted, wanting to spit it at her but because of her boot she couldn't.

coughing and gasping for air as the demon took her foot away.

"There, wasn't that hard was it angel~?" A big toothy grin on her face. "Now go on, before the gates close."

Scrambling to her feet, running moments before her wings carried her off.

Camael just put her hands in her pockets, watching her fly away.

Oh how fun this all was, she can't hope but wish she'll try to kill her again next year, she can't wait for it~.

And she'll be waiting as this is all up her alley.

Camael had a catch and she is not letting go.

The Angelic Demon (Lute X F.OC)Where stories live. Discover now