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(I said it before: Hazbin is basically a musical, and I need to live up to it, lol. Violin, my OC for Carmilla, has had more songs than Camael, I think? Are at least more showy ones. But my Lute-oc-Adam fic on ao3 was meant to even have more and still doesn't have much.)

"Are you serious?"

"Whaaaat? I like this place."

"I thought it was only in shitty movies."

"Fuck you angel."

"Right back at you."

Camael blew out on of her cheeks before sighing.

"You agreed Lute, we had a deal."

"We didn't shake on that one."

"What's wrong with this place?!"

Lute lifted a judging brow, arms crossed.

"Do you angels not like singing? Is it a hell thing? Are you bland in heaven?"

"I am sorry but the definition of a hang out if not following you to a fight club or whatever this is."

"You agreed."

"God fucking dammit."

"Don't use his name in vain." Camael said before catching herself. "Or you know, you might actually grow horns on this little head of yours." She tapped the fake horns on Lute's head who smacked her hand away.

"Ha ha, shut up demon." The angel rolled her eyes. "Fine, let's go in, we are already here anyway."

"That's the spirit."

Lute didn't like the inside of the building any more then the outside of it she can say that.

It was like... Not even a building, just a concrete flooring with a boxing ring in the middle  and a bar haphazardly built in the corner with what looked like curtains hung up on something in another corner.

"The infirmary." Camael whispered, realizing what Lute was staring at it.

"This is not even a building."

"Oh please, there are worse places to be."

"This is literally a shit hole."

"Ease up there."

"Oh hey hey the wildfire overlord, welcome back, a new participant." Lute flinched in disgusted as a small imp climbed up her body to look at her before throwing him off. "Oof, she is a tough one."

"No no, just passing by and decided to come here, leave her out of it."

"A shame." The showman looking imp grinned but skittered away.

"Come on, a glass."

Lute looked at the demon throw another out of the ring in the middle of the crowd and the following cheer was loud but barely covered the break of bones she heard before following the red head.

The bar was in no way reassuring... The tape, the lose screws, the rotten wood... And the huge blackboard with bets on it and who was more likely to win.

"Do you not have fun things in heaven?" Lute grabbed the beer can between two fingers and just held it while Camael was already drinking hers.

"We do but it is demons that like beating each other up."

"You literally come to murder us each year."

"Shut up."

"But I am correct."

"Shut up I said."

Camael hadn't lied, she had seriously just spotted this place and decided to come in, what hurt would it do?... Well...

"Hey! You here to fight! Anyone can beat me?!" The tough looking red skinned man called out from the ring, looking like a normal man outside of the horns and tail.

Camael looked over.

"Some people are dicks." She said, watching him scream challenges at everyone.

"You realized this just now?" Lute said.

"Oh shush." She flicked the empty can at her, sending droplets in the angel's face, getting a harsher smack back, laughing at it.

That was until a glass exploded on the ground in front of her and sending pieces up her boots.

Camael looked up, hearing someone complain about his drink and the cocky-ass demon from the ring was grinning.

"Wanna fight bitch?! I am the new top guy here! I'll get your title!"

"Camael no." Lute said since sure, she'd go along with watching this but no for the rest.

Putting her untouched drink on the ratty counter top.

Camael pointed at the board over her shoulder.

"Winning streak angel, no one can top me... I can't let him get the big head." Camael stretched. "Will you drink that?" She pointed at the can and Lute shook her head.

The overlord grabbed it and chucked it at the demon, making his head whip back and fall flat on his face. Now covered in beer and sore on the forehead.

"You'll regret bothering me today asshole." She cracked her knuckles, everyone watching. "The one night I am with a friend and you get pissy... Fine, I'll teach you a lesson. Lute, take the wheel."

"Wait, wow wow wow, Camael." She stood walking quickly after the demon. "Camael no."

"Camael yes."

The Angelic Demon (Lute X F.OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz