chapter fifty one

Start from the beginning

Thank God he decides to close to business down for a while and left money or this would have been hell, just hope he recovers before everything falls apart, this is going to be hard..

Kim's home

It has been thirty minutes since he has been standing outside the Kim residents, he has watched Jackson clean the porch, watered the plants and many other things but the person he really wants to see he has not seen even once..

Letting out a sigh.. "should I break in?" He questions himself.. "no I should not.." he disagrees, but the eage inside him really wants to see him, so he breathes.. "Kim Minseok you are only going to see your father, it's not wrong and nobody can stop you.." he speaks with determination in his voice, before snicking into the house..

Jackson is inside no guards around security maybe not installed yet or something, snicking in is not that hard especially when it's Kim Minseok, using the kitchen door he walks in, slow steps he enters the living room taking in deep breaths hoping that Jackson or even Nam-gil doesn't walk in on him, he is going to be in.. shit..

Nam-gil walks in right infront of him, both freezing in time looking at each other, Nam-gil having a plate of food in his hands a glass of juice in the other and his head sets on his ears, his eyes fixed on the strange stranger standing ten feet away from him..

Minseok lets out a smile hoping Nam-gil doesn't scream or does anything stupid.. Nam-gil keeps looking at Minseok his mouth suddenly putting and Minseok panics, using hand gestures trying to tell Nam-gil not to shout but...

"Jackson!!" He calls still keeping his eyes on Minseok.. "Jackson!!" He calls out even louder and Minseok runs, but Nam-gil stays in the same place but dark memory flash back, his eyes dilute dropping his plate and glass..

"Be careful.." Jackson lets out pulling Nam-gil away from the broken pieces of glass, and pulling off his headphones"what's wrong, why did you call out to me ha?" Nam-gil looks at Jackson with fear in his eyes before pointing at the same spot Minseok's was standing..

"There is nothing there dad.." Jackson says.. "mmhmmhh.." Nam-gil shakes his head still fixed at the same spot.. "was there someone here.."

"Mmmh.." he nods at the question making Jackson worried.. "stay here I.." Nam-gil grabs Jackson's hand afraid to be left alone, Jackson looking at him with concern.. "we will go together.."

Both Jackson and Nam-gil walk to the kitchen, looking around but nothing, going outside but there is nobody but Nam-gil is still frightened.. "there is nobody okay, you don't have to be scared I'm here.." he tries to calm him down but Nam-gil still doesn't stop looking around and holding Jackson's hand..

"I won't leave you alone, now let's go to the kitchen so I get food for you and we go and watch a movie or something you like okay.." taking him inside putting Nam-gil's headphones back on can't take any risk having Nam-gil panic at any sound that can trigger the terrible memories..

Jackson dishes up for both himself and Nam-gil and the whole time having Nam-gil holding his t-shirt right behind him, walking into the living room avoiding the glasses on the ground, getting to the couch they settle themselves down, Nam-gil on the floor and Jackson on the couch switching on the TV, Nam-gil decides to watch cartoons making Jackson confused and instantly bored..

He can't even hear anything on the TV when he is listening to music, but if he feels comfortable it's fine with Jackson, and for the first time he is eating properly, unlike when he was confined to a hospital room, it must have been suffocating to him..

The two continue to watch TV or Nam-gil continues while Jackson decides to sleep and Minseok who has been hiding in the kitchen decides to finally snick out as quiet as possible, making sure nor Jackson or Nam-gil hears him, a few minutes later he is finally standing outside the house, thank God..

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