"The driver of the car that tried to kill Nam-gil told me all that, Yoongi got hurt so I found who is responsible and it was Ji-woo, she has been trying to kill him for a long time, so she decided to use the three of you and he didn't even think twice when his son got stabbed.."

"Jackson Wang is not his son.." Yoongi lets out, making Ji Hong raise his brows at him, while Minseok just breathe, what's his problem??

"Okay.." Ji Hong lets out.. "he.."

"He went to her and got kidnapped.." Minseok completes.. "but how did he get to the hospital?" Suspiciousness in his tone..

"Like I said the driver told me.." he lies.. "and what did you do to the driver?" Yoongi questions..

"He was starborn so I left him headless.." he smirkes..

"What?" Minseok lets out..

"I think I'm going to throw up.." Yoongi lets out pretending to throw up.. "you have been in a coma since the 23 and it's the end of the month, what the hell are you throwing up? Your intestines?" Minseok lets out, Ji Hong starts to laugh looking at how Yoongi is looking at Minseok..

"Fuck you.." Yoongi glares.. "Yoongi.." Ji Hong warns.. "what? He started it.." pointing at Minseok, and Minseok slapping his hand away making him gusp at the disrespect from the young one.. "how dare you brat!" He yells trying to reach Minseok but he steps away while Ji Hong grabs him..

"Okay calm down.." holding Yoongi.. "don't you feel any pain, you have been out for a long time.."

"Yeah, and walking up with no memory of Dad imagine that ha.." Minseok says annoying Yoongi more.. "why don't you shut up.. and dad I'm sorry about all that?"

"You remember?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you.." he apologizes.. "you didn't hurt me, but you did make me angry.." he smiles along with both his sons, a few minutes and the laughter dies down, taking in deep breaths it has been such a long time since they even laughed like this, it's actually nice..

"Will he be fine though?"

"He will be fine, he is the father of my two strong sons you know he will e okay.." Ji Hong says, Minseok snapping his eyes at him.. "when do you talk like that?"

"Hating someone like Kim Nam-gil is a total was of time, he he is not bad.." Minseok eyes in-large.. "he is just trying to get over the troubles that troubled his life and ended up choosing to wrong way, but now he is realizing that and that's good, right?" Looking back at his sons only to see Yoongi sleeping, Minseok looking at him with tears in his eyes..

"You are the best father anyone could ask for.." Minseok asks before giving him a huge.. "and you are the best sons I couldn't ever ask for.." Ji Hong says to his son..

Jackson's room

"Please let me go.."

"You are really getting annoying, why don't you just close your eyes and go back to sleep ha?" The female nurse attending to Jackson says, rolling her eyes at him before continuing with preparing the medication..

"She will hurt him.." he lets out in a weak tone, trying hard to get out of the cuffs that have been placed on his wrists.. "please.."

"Do you want me to guge or something ha, shut up okay.." she lets out in annoyance.. "he is not even your father and you keep blathering about him, come on the man might have gone back to being a personal whore to that woman and left you to suffer so.."

"So you just lost your job, get out.." her words get cut off by Taehyung who just walks in, looking back at him she scoffs.. "you are not my employer.." she shoots with so much attitude..

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