44 | sicheng, that's not nice !

Start from the beginning

" for a second there, i thought that sicheng yelled the moment he saw your chest. " sooyoung laughed, as yeri nodded, agreeing with her friend. they both started laughing, as sicheng realised something. yeri's birthday was in exactly two days. " by the way, where is sweetie ? "

" she is with my mom, because the two suddently became best friends. when i tried to bring sweetie here, because my mom stays at sicheng's, sweetie started crying the moment we left the house. " yeri sighed, " so i left her with my mom for now. " she explained, before turning back to sicheng. " we also have to discuss the party you attended last night without asking me if you're allowed two. "

" yeri, i stayed for two hours and i drank one glass of tequilla. i promise you, i didn't drink a single other thing and i didn't dance at all. " sicheng defended himself, as yeri and sooyoung eyed him. they weren't happy with what sicheng told them. " do you really want me to tell you all of the details from last night ? "

" we will sit here all day, because you better explain to me each minute of your time there. " yeri said, as she and sooyoung sat on yeri's bed. " sit on the ground, we will wait for you to start talking. if i ever happen to hear a mention of any woman's name, you will be buried six feet under the ground. "

" god, yeri, you are really insufferable ! " sicheng yelled, as sooyoung got up. she went up to him, threatning to slap him once again. " okay, i will shut up when it comes to being annoyed with you ! " sooyoung got closer to him, " i'm sorry, i'm sorry, you are perfect and i don't feel annoyed by you. and you are surely not insufferable. " he sent her a flying kiss, as sooyoung finally sat down.

kun and sicheng never expected to be invited by jaehyun to his birthday party, and none of them quite wanted to go, especially kun. he found these parties to be boring, but at the same time, too much. back in the day, sicheng used to love these parties, where he would meet tens of girls that he would spend his time with.

today, however, sicheng promised to not stay for a long time at this party, since yeri was most likely going to get angry with him and what she thought he was going to do. kun was happy to hear that sicheng finally got to believe that certain places weren't good for him, but here they still were.

sicheng and kun walked in the club, which was filled with people dancing, laughing and ordering drinks. sicheng searched for jaehyun, who was probably somewhere in the giant crowd of people. kun let out a sigh, seeing that it was no earlier than 10. they looked at eachother, both not feeling great about being in a place that felt so familiar.

being known as the prince at some point, a lot of people came to greet sicheng, but some reminded him that he wasn't the same as he used to be. some of his old college friends came and told sicheng that he acts grown, that he looks like an actual chairman, in a bad way. sicheng laughed off what they told him, but deep inside, he remembered what it was like to party and feel free.

his thoughts disappeard the moment he saw jaehyun approaching him. he was holding a drink in his hand, laughing as one of their old female classmates was holding onto his arm. as she let go, jaehyun walked up to sicheng, pulling him in a tight hug. kun stood next to them, coughing a few times.

" kun, it's been a few weeks ? " jaehyun asked, as kun nodded. " it's great to see you both here. sicheng, you have to be the one i really wanted to see tonight. " he pat sicheng's shoulder, as sicheng looked at him, confused. " you know, how you were replaced by that nineteen year old boy, that must've hurt you a lot. "

" actually, i don't really care if someone took away my title. afterall, i think i have more things on my mind other than battleing with a boy who is eleven years younger than me over who gets called the prince of partying. " sicheng scoffed, as jaehyun was quite surprised about what sicheng told him.

" you really for yeri, didn't you ? " jaehyun started laughing, as the girl next to him quickly followed. " sicheng, you were called the prince for twelve years. you were known as that since you were 18, everyone knew how and when you went to parties. honestly, it's sad to see how you kind of lost that. "

sicheng put his hand on jaehyun's shoulder. he handed his old friend the gift bag, before wishing him a happy birthday. then, kun and sicheng went to sit down at the nearby tables, where it seemed like everyone seemed to ignore sicheng. kun spotted a few untouched chocolates, taking them.

" for how long are you planning to stay ? because i gave jaehyun some nice money. " kun scoffed, " so, therefore, i think i will stay for about two hours. let's think of it as 1000 for an hour, right ? " he laughed, as sicheng nodded. " how much did you give jaehyun ? "

" 3000. " sicheng replied, before he suddently got up, spotting that the bar was empty. " if i'm here, i will go and grab a drink. do you want anything ? " he asked, as kun got up. " i guess we are going to go there together. " he said, as the two made it past the dancing crowds, to the bar.

the barman was nowhere to be seen, so sicheng and kun sat down. kun scrolled down his phone, before the barman finally returned, cleaning up two glasses for them. sicheng looked up, as the two asked eachother the same exact question at the same time : " who will order first ? "

" a glass of tequila. " sicheng said, as the barman was confused. he took out a shot glass, as sicheng shaked his head. " no, not a shot. give me a full glass of it. " he sighed, as the man quicky followed. he poured the drink, as sicheng took the glass, drinking it slowly.

" do you have beer ? " kun asked, as the barman shaked his head. " come on, what type of bar doesn't have beer ?! " he yelled, before letting out a small sigh. " you know what, don't give me anything else. i don't do well with other alcohol. " he looked over to sicheng, who ordered another glass.

after a few minutes, sicheng finished his third, and what kun hoped to be the last, glass. he scratched his head, before a small sigh escaped his mouth. kun looked at the clock, it wasn't even 11 p.m. , but kun figured out that they should go home. 2000 dollars wasted.

" kun, would if be terrible of me if i went and kissed that girl over there ? " sicheng asked, as kun realised that he really needed to get his friend out of there. he couldn't do that to yeri, she was probably waiting for him, at home. " it's not like yeri will ever know, right ? " sicheng laughed, as kun shaked his head.

" sicheng, that is considered cheating, and if you cheat on yeri, i will cut your head off. " kun got up, " that is why we are going to leave right now, and you won't dare to go up to her and kiss that woman ! " he yelled in sicheng's ear, as sicheng got up, still looking at her. " think about yeri for a second. didn't you say you just talked to her about children ? didn't you buy her an engagement ring ? "

" come on, kun. be a little more open to these things. afterall, it's just a kiss, nothing more. i will never tell yeri about it, and life will go on. " sicheng said, but kun grabbed his hand, dragging his friend out of the club.

the problem here was that sicheng did drink three full glasses, but he never got drunk from them. however, kun hoped that sicheng didn't mean what he was talking about, or else, were his feelings for yeri false once again ?

" so, you didn't talk to anyone and left with kun after an hour ? " yeri asked, as sicheng nodded. " and you only drank one glass of tequila ? " she asked again, as sicheng nodded. " what a responsible and loving boyfriend do i have ! " she pulled sicheng into a hug, as sooyoung smiled towards them.

then, sooyoung saw that kun had sent her a message before sicheng finished the story of what happend. she looked at the message, which wrote : " i am pretty sure that sicheng left out an important detail about his experience at the party. "

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