Chapter 61: Arrival part 2

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*Quick Waring: Kawaii-Chan will be giving birth in this chapter, and if you're not comfortable with that, you can skim through it*

While Zane was with Aphmau, Garroth, Nekoette and Alina trying to find their way back, Kawaii-Chan was still with Zoey and Donna. She was scared, yes, she done this before, but not during an attack by some of the Shadow Army. Lucinda was able to case a protective spell on the house, so the living shadows don't find a way in, Alexis and Leona were fighting some of the Shadow Knights who came with a few others. She was breading heavily and wanted Zane.

Kawaii-Chan: " Za-Zane... Where's Z-Zane?"

Zoey: " He's coming, just hang in there..."

Kawaii-Chan: " AH!! NO! I-I-I-I can't do this... Not without him... I want Zane to be-be here.. Oh no, no, no, no."

Donna: " We know. Just try and relax, Kawaii-Chan."

Kawaii-Chan held her stomach, and tears started to form. Donna put up Kawaii-Chan's long hair Lucinda came in with a potion in her hand.

Lucinda: " Here, Kawaii-Chan. This will numb the pain."

Lucinda helped Kawaii-Chan swallow the whole bottle, some of the pain went away, but it still strong enough to make her cry a bit. Her tail swished back and forth, and her claws dig into the bed. Kawaii-Chan let out a few screams as time went by, it felt like an entirety while going through it, but it wasn't the first time she been through this. Donna was by her side, holding her hand and rubbing her back. Roughly 2 hours passed, Zane and the others weren't back yet, most of the Shadow Army retreated and a few of the living shadows were killed. Tears rolled down Kawaii-Chan's face, she swears just about every cursed word in the book. 

Donna: " You're doing so good Kawaii-Chan. Zoey, how's things going on your end?"

Zoey: " She's starting to crown a bit."

Kawaii-Chan: " F***... I-I Can't Do This!.... No.. I-I.. Where's Zane?!"

Lucinda: " Relax, KC. We know you're scared, but you can do this. You done this before, and I'm sure Zane is racing back to be here."

Kawaii-Chan clenched her teeth and breath heavy. Zoey rolled her sleeves up a bit and grabbed a towel.

Zoey: " Okay Kawaii-Chan, on the count of three, I'm going to need you to push as hard as you can. Alright?"

Kawaii-Chan gulped a bit, she didn't want to do this, she didn't want Zane to miss the birth of their child, but it didn't look like their baby was going to wait any longer. She eventually nodded.

Zoey: " Alright, here we go. One. Two. Three! Push!"

Kawaii-Chan grasped the blankets she was on, she clenched her teeth, hard enough that it felt like they were going to break. Her face turned red and her tail whip around a bit.

Zoey: " Again. Push!"

Kawaii-Chan screamed a bit, she gripped the sheets hard that it felt like her own claws were digging into her palms. After a few minutes that felt like hours passed, Kawaii-Chan let out one last scream till the room filled with a cry. She slowly opened her eyes and saw Zoey holding a small Meif'wa crying. They look so much like her, with cat ears, legs and a tail, but had dark magenta hair. Zoey smiled seeing the small Meif'wa.

Zoey: " It's a girl, Kawaii-Chan. And she's healthy."

Kawaii-Chan chuckled as a weak smile spread across her face, Donna and Lucinda went over to look at the baby as Zoey cradle the baby and calming her down.

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