Chapter 44: Reteaching

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*Quick heads up: There's going to be some nudity for a quick second in this chapter*

A few days passed, Kawaii-Chan looked down at her chest, her body didn't hurt that much when she moves, but she couldn't help but wonder what the gash that began to turn into a scar looked like under the bandages. Kawaii-Chan gently places two fingers on her chest where the gash was and traced it to where it ends.

Zoey: " It's best if you don't fuse with it that much. You can reopen it and make the healing proceed take longer."

Kawaii-Chan: " Ri-right. Sorry."

Kawaii-Chan looked down at her hands and tapped her fingers on her lap. She's been in the Tree Base since the attack, and she became board out of her mind.

Kawaii-Chan: " When can Kawaii-Chan walk around again?"

Zoey: " Well, I guess till you're able to keep yourself up without anyone's help."

Kawaii-Chan let out a sigh. When Zane came over, Zoey left, leaving him with Kawaii-Chan.

Kawaii-Chan: " Zane?"

Zane: " Yes?"

Kawaii-Chan: " Can you help me up? I want to try to walk."

Zane was quiet for a moment, he got up and walked over to the side of Kawaii-Chan's bed. She held out her arms and Zane grabbed them.

Zane: " Are you sure you want to try stand and walk?"

Kawaii-Chan: " Yes. And if I fall, I know you'll catch me."

Zane: " Okay. Here we go. Ready?"

Kawaii-Chan nodded, Zane slowly pulled Kawaii-Chan out of her bed, her legs were a bit numb, but Zane was there to keep her up. Kawaii-Chan's legs shake a bit and stumbled a bit while still hanging onto Zane. As Zane walked back a bit, Kawaii-Chan had some trouble following his steps, her legs slipped a bit, and she would slide down a bit before pulling herself up. It was almost like she was on ice and trying her best to keep herself from falling over. Her claws were out and poking into Zane's skin a bit, but he still holds her arms. When Kawaii-Chan finally able to keep herself up, she looked up at Zane and nodded, telling him to let go. Zane gulped and slowly let go of Kawaii-Chan's arm and moved his arms away a bit. He jolts and lean forward a bit when Kawaii-Chan leans a bit, but she was able to catch herself. The two chuckled and smiled a bit when Kawaii-Chan was able to keep balance, Zane's hands were still stretch out, ready to catch Kawaii-Chan if she falls over.

Kawaii-Chan: " Okay. I'm going to try and move forward a bit."

Zane nodded and back up a bit. Kawaii-Chan put on of her foot-paw out and tried to walk, but she quickly lost balance and nearly fall over. Luckily, Zane lunged forward and was able to catch her.

Zane: " You okay?"

Kawaii-Chan: " Y-yeah. I'm fine."

Zane helped Kawaii-Chan up, but instead of letting go, he stayed by her side.

Zane: " Why don't I stay by your side till your able to get use to walking? After that, we can try to have you walk on your own."

Kawaii-Chan's ear flicked, but she nodded, knowing it was a lot smarter than just going straight to walking without any support after getting seriously hurt and laid in bed for a good while. Hours passed, Zane help Kawaii-Chan walk around the base, staying close to her side, holding her arm and kept his other hand hovering over her waist. Zane used to lose his temper if something took a good while, but he waited patiently with Kawaii-Chan, knowing she has to reteach herself how to walk a bit. He watched her closely in case she falls over. A few days of this went by, Kawaii-Chan was starting to get stronger and stronger with keeping her balance.

Zane: " You been getting better at this."

Kawaii-Chan: " Mmhm. I think I'm ready to try again."

Zane nodded, he slowly let go of Kawaii-Chan and backed up a little. He held out his arms.

Zane: " Whenever you're ready."

Kawaii-Chan took a deep breath, she slowly put a foot-paw out, she had trouble, but she was doing it, she was walking on her own. Her face lit up when she started to walk over to Zane, he smiled seeing that she was doing it, she was walking on her own, without any help and she was doing it. But right when Kawaii-Chan was just a few steps away, she stumbled a bit and fell into Zane's chest, he grabbed her and the two fell. They laugh a bit and check if the other was alright.

Zane: " Are you okay?"

Kawaii-Chan: " Mmhm. You?"

Zane: " Yeah. I'm all..."

As Zane said that, Kawaii-Chan sat up, but her bandages on her chest loosen up a bit, and they actually undid themselves and slide down, showing her breast to Zane. Zane turned a deep shade of red, Kawaii-Chan was a bit confuse, till she realized what happened. She let out a small scream before covered herself with her arms. Her wound was almost fully healed, but it could open up again if she landed on it a certain way or if she fusses with it a bit. Zane couldn't help but stare a bit, but he shook his head a bit. Kawaii-Chan turned away, shutting her eyes a bit, Zane came over and put a blanket around her to cover her up.

Zane: " H-h-h-here... Let me... Let's get you back.."

Zane went over and slowly picked Kawaii-Chan up. Keeping his vision in front of him and place Kawaii-Chan on her bed.

Zane: " I-I'll go get Zo-Zoey. So she can cover your.. You up again.."

As Zane said that, he stumbled on his words, alongside stumbled around a bit. When he got to the trap door, his hands slipped a bit and fell down to the floor under the ladder.

Kawaii-Chan: " ZANE!!?"

Zane: " I'm Umm.. I-I'm okay... I'm okay."

Zane's face was burning up, did Kawaii-Chan's bandages really undo themselves causing him to see Kawaii-Chan's breast? Did that actually just happen?! They were so... big. Zane shook his head, trying to get that little accident out of his head. Kawaii-Chan wrapped the blanket all around her, only her face was showing, her face was burning hot. She didn't know what to do, she just exposed herself to Zane a bit, she shook her head, trying to forget what just happened.

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