Chapter 14: On the Mind

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Some time has passed since Zane found himself in the Nether and became a part of the Shadow Lord's army. Things were very different in the dark Realm, though it seems it would be scorching hot, but you'll get used to it after a few minutes. Hardly anyone seem actually friendly towards anyone, they're either fighting or in each other's throats if they're not going over a plan to work out their assignment they were given by the Shadow Lord. The food was horrible, it was either bitter, raw or burn, well, for the lower class of the army, those who the Shadow Lord favored are given fresher food while the others get the scraps or the food that was bad. Zane had to force down his food, even though it wasn't as bad as those who the Shadow Lord doesn't seem to like a lot, but it was still bitter. How were they able to stomach all this? Guess that's the reason why they eat so much and smuggled food back from the Overworld, Zane thought to himself. There was also a small game that the Shadow Lord will set up to force some of his followers to fight one another. He'll pick two followers at random, take away their immortality and have them fight for his entertainment. Everyone was afraid whenever he plays his favorite game, but they love to watch the bloodshed. Zane tends to leave the area after the two were picked, this was nothing he was told about, it was worse. Besides, he had other things to deal with, he recently been thinking more and more about the Overworld, wondering what happened during the time he was gone, but it was that darn Meif'wa who never left his mind. 

Kawaii-Chan's voice: " Becuase Zane-Kun is Kawaii-Chan's friend, silly. Zane-Kun has a pretty eye. It's a very pretty color."

Zane: " UGH! *rubs face* Why can't I get her out of my head? Do I miss her or something?"

Zane then saw a Meif-wa's shadow, a female with long hair. Zane's face lit up a little bit.

Zane: " Kawaii...."

Zane turned and saw one of the Meif'was who joined a while ago. She has pale purple hair, tiger like stripes on her face and arms, alongside a tiger or tabby cat pattern tail, her ears were a bit longer with tufts on their tips.

Zane's thoughts: " Oh, it's that annoying Meif'wa who always make that annoy "nyah" every time she talks..... Oh yeah, her name's Michi. How could anyone forget, she always says it when she leaves the Damn room."

Zane let out a long sigh. Someone came behind Zane and lay on top of a large root like edge over him.

The voice: " Who would have know that the formal Grand High Priest favorite color was pink and likes felines."

Zane spun around and looked up, there was Concubine with her usual big, sly smile.

Zane: " I Told You To Say Out Of My Head!"

Concubine: " Oh come on. It's so much fun in there. In anyone who been through a lot.... Wait a minute. Wait a minute. *giggles* Well, well, you're creating feelings."

Zane: " Wh-what?! No I'm not!"

Concubine: " Yes, yes you are."

Zane: " Well your wrong! That annoy Meif'wa just found her way in my head, nothing more."

Concubine: " *smile grows bigger* Then why did you think she was here a minute ago?"

Zane's face turns a bit pink, embarrassed that Concubine saw that.

Concubine: " Ah, you know what the say about feelings. So useless, so annoy, and gets in just about everyone's way. Distracting them from what they're supposed to do and making them weak. Wait until I tell the Shadow Lord, he'll be so interested in hearing that you out of everyone is forming said feelings."

Zane's chest puffed out a bit, he pulled out his dagger and faught back.

Zane: " I swear! If you tell..."

Before Zane got close, Concubine sly expression dropped and her usual clam tone and self changed. She quickly grabbed Zane's wrist with a tight grip, thought enough to make him drop his dagger. Her tone of voices changed into a more sinister and serious voice, and even though he couldn't see her eyes, Zane knew that rage started to build up in them.

Concubine: " Listen to me, you one eye, joke of a man. I am in second of command here while you're nothing but a lap dog for the Shadow Lord. I don't know what he sees in you to make you one of his favorites, but if you try anything, I will go straight to him and he'll have your Damn head."

Concubine got closer to Zane, he started to back away.

Concubine: " What's the matter? Uncomfortable? Good."

Concubine pressed her long, sharp fingernail on it, Zane gulped, he never knew how threatening Concubine could be if she's mad or serious.

Concubine: " Screw with me, you'll make a powerful enemy and a big mistake. For if you harm me and the Shadow Lord finds out, he'll turn you mortal in a heartbeat and it's hard to say if he'll give you a merciful death. Even if your one of his favorites, he'll show no mercy. Now Lap Dog, do you understand me? Do you understand the consequences of your actions if you cross me or Piss me off like this?"

Zane slowly nodded, Concubine usual self came back, and her voice became more positive.

Concubine: " Good."

Concubine let go of Zane's next, he grabbed it and gasped shortly after her nail's presser left. But before Concubine left, she looked back.

Concubine: " Oh and Zane. *switched to the sinister tone again* Cross me, and you're crossing the Shadow Lord and his whole army."

Concubine smiled and strut away. Zane rubbed his throat till his throat wasn't sore from the pressure of Concubine's grip on his throat and wristed. Zane decided to walk around the halls of the structure to clear is mind, to forget Kawaii-Chan and get Concubine threat out of his head. For the first time, Zane froze up by someone who he tried to attack. Zane looked down at his whist, there was still a little bit of red on it left by Concubine's grip. Zane looked up from his whist and found himself in a hall he hadn't been in before. Curiosity got the best of him and he decided to look around a bit.

Zane quieter: " Curiouser and curiouser."

Zane looked around for a moment, and he went down the hallway. On the walls were heads of skulls of different creatures, there were also different relics and objects on displays. Large portraits of people were up on the walls.

Zane: " I never been down here before. So many interesting artifacts."

Zane looked at all the portraits, he didn't know who they were, but they all shared two things, a big, creepy grin and a cane. Zane then passed a portrait that made him froze for a moment and rushed back to take a double take. It was his Mentor- Father figure, the High Priest before him. Zane backed up a little seeing him again, even though it's not the real him, he was still a bit taken back seeing the man who thought him so much and made him strong. Someone then came over.

The voice: " Well, well, well. Sticking your nose into places you shouldn't, I see. That's my job."

Zane turned back and saw Beckham. He looked up at the portrait of the formal High Priest.

Beckham: " This was one of his favorites."

Zane: " Who? Favorite what?"

Beckham: " One of the Shadow Lord's favorite Host."

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