Chapter 4: The Wedding

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It was the day of the wedding, everyone was getting ready for the event. Zane looked at himself in the mirror, slightly fixing his hair by moving it to the right side of his face. He picked his book up and head out.

A Guard: " Ready Sir?"

Zane nodded, the four guards walked with Zane as they head down to the beach. While walking, Zane noticed Kawaii-Chan, she made a wedding cake and was trying to get it out. Her small maids were trying to help her a little while holding other treats and food for the wedding. Zane then looked at the youngest guard and another.

Zane: " You two. Go help her."

The guards all looked at each other for a moment, a bit taken back that Zane asked them to help someone who wasn't him. But the two agreed.

The two Guards: " Yes Sir."

As the two guards went to help Kawaii-Chan and her little maids, one of the other two guards with him ask about after the wedding.

A Guard: " Sir? When are we going to go through with the plan."

Zane looked over at the guard with an annoyed look.

The other Guard: " Yeah. We scout that areas and know how many people live here. We got a little information of everyone from the twins and..."

Zane glare at the guard, hushing him.

Zane: " Not so loud, you idiot! The plan will go on, but not now. So for now, keep that mouth of yours shut and wait till I say what we do next. I still have a few things to do to make this work."

The two guards gulped and nodded. After preaching for the couple Donna and Logan, everyone enjoys themselves at the afterparty. Everyone was talking to each other, dancing or enjoying the party with food and drinks. Zane sat alone at a table, reading his book as always, when Kiki came over. Zane groan when he saw her.

Kiki: " Great wedding, huh?"

Zane: " I suppose, this isn't the first wedding I preach at."

Kiki: " I know. Do you want to dance with the others?"

Zane: " No thanks. I don't dance."

Kiki: " Oh, okay. If you change your mind, you know where I'll be. Kekeke."

After Kiki walked off, one of the guards of Phoenix Drop got up with a large cup in his head. He was very tipsy, clearly drunk and he began to yell with a large smile.

The Guard: " What a Party! *hic* It's uhh.. it's uhh.. It's a good party. *hic* Would you look at all this root beer! This is... *hic* This is the best I ever tasted."

The Guard's Wife: " Oh for Irene sakes! Dale! Sit down!"

The guard name Dale stumbled around a bit while laughing, till he falls over on a table, breaking it shortly after collapsing on it. Nearly everyone laugh, Dale's wife Molly shook her head while covering her face with her hand. Kawaii-Chan came over, giggling a bit while carrying two plates of slice cakes. She handed one to Zane as she sat down next to him.

Kawaii-Chan: " Some party. Dale-Kun sure becomes the life of a party after a few drinks."

Zane: " He's defiantly had some kind of charm. He's like a majestic dying dolphin."

Kawaii-Chan covered her mouth and laughed a bit. Zane started to eat his slice of cake, like before, Kawaii-Chan's cake was just as good and sweet as the last treat he had.

Zane: " You're a really good baker."

Kawaii-Chan: " Why thank you."

As Kawaii-Chan was eating her cake, Zane looked over at all the children in the village, almost like he was examining them. Zane looked over at Kawaii-Chan, she was distracted, and everyone were doing their own thing. Zane pulled out the same amulet hidden in his book and held it next to his head. Whispers came from it as he looked at the three kids. Zane began to think and the voice coming from the amulet started to talk to him in his mind.

Zane's thoughts: " Which one will work for this stunt? Can't be that one, he's Lord Aphmau's son. The miner's son? No? Alright. How about the drunk guard's daughter. Yes, it looks like she's the youngest out of the three. What? Ah, I see, she will work well then."

Zane let out a small chuckle, causing Kawaii-Chan to look over, she noticed the amulet Zane was hold.

Kawaii-Chan: " What's that?"

Zane: " Huh? Oh, it's uhhh..."

Kawaii-Chan had a worry and disgusted look for a moment, her ears went back and lean away a little.

Zane: " Is something wrong?"

Kawaii-Chan: " Its smell is strong and bitter. Blah!"

Zane was a bit confuse, he put the amulet away and Kawaii-Chan slowly lean forwards.

Zane: " What do you mean by that? I don't smell anything from it."

Kawaii-Chan: " *shake head and stick tongue out* Blah. That's because you're a human. Meif'was have strong scenes. We're like Werewolves, but we can smell magics."

Zane: " Really?"

Kawaii-Chan: " Uh huh. That necklet smells really bitter, like if something rotted or a skunk even. Where did Zane-Kun get it and why is he carrying it around?"

Zane darted his eye for a moment.

Zane: " I uhhh... I found it some time ago and I'm trying to figure out where it came from or how it works."

Kawaii-Chan: " Ah. Well Kawaii-Chan would be careful with that, if something smells that bitter and strong, it could be something dangerous and powerful."

Zane nodded. Sweat rolled down his face a bit.

Zane's thoughts: " She was able to tell that the transponder amulet was made up of dark magic with her nose. I can't have her knowing anything else, she'll screw up the plan if she knew that was going on."

When the moon was starting to rise, everyone was either asleep or getting ready to sleep, Zane crept around the area, he was looking for someone. He found that person, he was with Aphmau dancing in the moonlight. Zane came over to the two and got their attention.

Zane: " Well now. Look who finally got the courage to show his face again, after all these years."

Aphmau and the man who was the guard with the helmet over his face looked at Zane, a little caught off guard by his appurtenance. Aphmau looked at the guard.

Aphmau: " Garroth? Have you and Zane met before?"

The guard who was named Garroth looked away for a moment. Zane came over to taunt him a bit.

Zane: " What's the matter, Garroth? You're not keeping things from your Lord, are you?"

Aphmau looked at Garroth, Zane approached him.

Zane: " Hello big brother. It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

Garroth: " ... *sigh* It has, baby brother."

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