Chapter 16: Return to Phoenix Drop

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Hours passed, Zane slowly opened his eye and flung it open shortly after a minute or so. He slowly sat up, pain shot through his body. He looked at his shoulder, leg and chest, the wounds on them were wrapped with bandages, Zane looked up and saw he was in a cell. Zane gasped and backed into the wall, but then he realized the Relic wasn't on him.

Zane's thoughts: " No. No, no, no, no, no! Where is it?"

Zane felt something, believing it was the Relic but say it was the Transponder Amulet. He gasped before tossing it out of his cell, breaking it instantly when it hit the wall. His breathing went a little fast, he wanted nothing to do with the Nether anymore, he practically been living in a lie and he finally woke up. Katelyn walked in when he tossed the Transponder Amulet at the wall.

Katelyn: " Okay, I need to make sure to check everywhere on you before we lock you up."

Zane sighed for a moment, actually happy to see that Katelyn got him instead of the Shadow Army. Katelyn slide under a tray of food, Zane just looked at it.

Katelyn: " I need answers, right now. How are you alive?! You should have died in that explosion 3 years ago."

Zane looked away. Katelyn glared at him, she wanted to know what he know.

Katelyn: " Fine. How about your wounds? How did you get them?"

Zane didn't say anything again, Katelyn started to get impatient, she wasn't going to take silents as his answer.

Katelyn: " Zane! You collapse in my arms when you stand up and your wound were deep that blood kept gushing till, we had to stitch up! How?! What happened before you came out of the portal?!"

Zane turned around, Katelyn snarled and she had it, she's going to get something out of him one a way or another.

Katelyn: " FINE! You Want To Be That Way?! Find By Me! Now Turn Around And Tell Me About This!!"

Katelyn pulled out the Shadow Lord's Relic, Zane eye grew large, seeing that he actually pulled it off. He actually was able to stole a valuable treasure from one of the most powerful beans.

Zane: " No-nothing... That's nothing."

Katelyn: " Oh? Is it? Well I guess you won't mind if I smash it!!"

Zane whipped his body around and got up when Katelyn lift her arm up with the Relic. 

Zane: " No! NO! You Smash That, We're ALL Dead!"

Katelyn lower her arm and raised an eyebrow.

Katelyn: " What do you mean?"

Zane: " That Relic is one of the powerful enchanted artifacts! It may not look like it, but if you break it anymore, they'll come and kill us."

Katelyn: " Who.."

Zane didn't answer, he honestly didn't know. He didn't know what it really can do, it belong to the Shadow Lord and he was the only one who hold it, Concubine might know something about it because she's always with the Shadow Lord, but Zane was back in the Overworld, so he didn't get any answers about what it really can do.

Zane: " How about I ask you a question. Where are we going and why did you help me?"

Katelyn: " Because you passed out and felled into my hands from blood lose. And I think you already know where we're going."

After hearing that, Zane's eye widen a bit, realizing where Katelyn was taking him, to an old friend of her. Before anything else could happened, a guard came in.

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