Chapter 9: The Incident

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But to 21 Years ago, a young Garroth and Zane stood proudly in front of their father, their mother Zianna was a bit nervous but she had a small smile on.

Garte: " Garroth. Zane. You two have been getting stronger and stronger each day, and I believe you are strong enough to start training how to work with both a sword, bow and arrows, and even tossing dagger work."

The younger Garroth and Zane puff their chests out a little bit as their father with on.

Garte: " For now on, you two will train with me and a few guards of the kingdom of O'Khasis to learn the basics of fighting with these weapons."

Everyone in the room cheer when Garte finished his speech, the younger Garroth and Zane bowed a bit to their father as they turned around and face everyone who came. Garroth looked over at Zane, he winks and stick his tongue out a bit, causing him to chuckle and punch him. After Garte announced Garroth and Zane were going to start training soon, the younger Garroth went to the quart yard to practice a bit with a test dummy, Zane one the other hand, he stayed in the castle while reading some books about fighting skills. While reading, another young boy came over, he was around a year younger than Zane, had a dark brown outfit on and had a green scarf around his neck. He hopped on the seat next to Zane and looked over at his book.

The younger boy: " What are you reading?"

The younger Zane: " It's one of the books I have about fighting techniques. Since father is going to start training us soon, I wanted to catch up on some things before trying them out in the quart yard."

The younger boy: " Why not just train with Garroth?"
As the younger boy ask that, someone came behind them.

A warm voice: " There's other ways to learn aside from experience, my Loves."

The younger Zane and the younger boy turn, and there was Zianna.

The two boys: " Mama./Mom."

The younger Zane and the younger boy who turned out be Zane and Garroth's younger brother got up and hugged their mother. She rubbed their head as walked out to a window and waved at Garroth when he saw her. Zianna sat at the window platform of it. The younger Zane came over and looked over at his older brother.

The younger Zane: " You think I'll be just as strong as him, mama?"

Zianna: " Of course, my little Zuzu. I know you, Garroth and Vylad will become some of the best guards there is."

The younger Zane smiled a little, his younger brother Vylad also had a grin.

Vylad: " Mom? Can I go play with Garroth?"

Zianna: " Alright, just be careful, you know how strong your brother is."

Vylad: " I will."

Vylad rushed outside, the younger Zane watch Vylad and Garroth play with each other, their father then came over and patted their heads. He grabbed a wooden training staff and trained with Garroth and Vylad a bit. Zane looked down a bit.

The younger Zane: " Why does he like being around him so much?"

Zianna: " Zane, your father loves you and both of your brothers. He told me that he was excited to train with the both of you."

Zianna then slightly shifts aside, she patted next to her, the younger Zane had a smile and climbed over to sit with his mother. Zane was the closest with his mother, she was always there for him when he was sad or hurt and she always stay with him till he feels better. The younger Zane curled up to his mother's side, she gently strokes his hair, Zane nuzzled into his mother's warm hug, when he was with her, Zane always felt all his problems fade away and the world didn't matter. Some time has passed, both Garroth and Zane were doing well in their training, but Zane was a bit annoyed that Garte would praise Garroth a bit more than him. Vylad would play with a two once in a while, but he didn't train with them, he did want to learn a few tricks like his brothers, but not right now. One day, Garroth was working on his bow and arrows skills, Vylad was with him and Garroth was struggling a bit.

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