Chapter 42: Zane the Father

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When morning came, Dmitri came in and saw Zane sleeping in the chair next to Nekoette's bed. He went over and started poking him.

Dmitri: " Hey. Hey wake up. Zane. Zane!"

Zane: " Hmm?"

Dmitri: " Come on it's, morning."

Zane kept his eye close.

Zane:" So?"

Dmitri: " Come on, get up and make some breakfast! I'm hungry! Nekoette! Get up!"

Dmitri then pulled Nekoette out of her bet and she groan as her brother pulled her out of bed.

Nekoette: " Noooooo..."

Dmitri: " Come on, Zane."

Zane slightly opened his eye, but closed it again. Dmitri and a small smudge look, if Zane wasn't going to get up, it looks like he's going to force him to get out of the chair. He grabbed Zane's arm and started pulling hard, but didn't budged. Dmitri then jumped on Nekoette's bed, sat on it and pushed Zane off his chair with his legs.

Zane: " ACK!! And I'm up."

Zane rubbed his head as he walked downstairs with the two. Zane yawn as he pulled out a pan and some eggs, alongside some bread, jelly and bacon. Nekoette looked down, her ears flopped down and was still gloomy. Zane hated seeing that face, he missed that huge smile she usually carries around.

Dmitri: " Come on, Nekoette. Kawaii-Chan is strong and I heard Aphmau's back, so she probably all better. Right?"

Zane: " We're going to have to wait. Healing takes time, even when Aphmau heals the wound, it's still going to take awhile for Kawaii-Chan to get back on her feet."

Zane placed some food on the table, Dmitri right away grab some good for Nekoette and himself. Dmitri decided to break the silence by ask Zane a few things.

Dmitri: " So how did you get that scar and lose your eye?"

Zane: " You can thank Garroth for that. He shot an arrow into it when we were kids."

Nekoette: " Ouchy. That sound like it hurt."

Zane: " It did."

Dmitri: " Do our have any other scars?"

Zane: " Two on my mouth from a small fight I was in. A few on my arms, leg and chest that I all got in the Nether."

Dmitri: " What was the Nether like then?"

Zane: " Hell."

Dmitri: " What about... A weapon your good at? Are you good with swords or with arrows?"

Zane: " A sword."

Dmitri: " Why, because you can't aim with the bow and arrow because you're missing an eye."

Zane glared at Dmitri, he just sicked his tongue at him with a smudge look. Zane looked over at Nekoette, she pick at her food for a while till she slowly put some in her mouth.

Zane: " I know it hurts, kid, but your mother is strong, and she's going to be fine."

Nekoette: "... You sure?"

Zane: " I'm sure of it."

Nekoette had a little smile before going back to eating. Later, while Dmitri train a bit with a test dummy, Nekoette sat with Zane as he read a book, she was also twisting a few flowers together and kept looking up at Zane and back to the flowers.

Nekoette: " Zane?"

Zane: " Yeah?"

Nekoette: " We're you close to your Mama?"

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