Chapter 5: Brothers

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Around 21 years old, a 9-year-old boy was playing with his 7-year-old brother. Both were laughing while playing with large sticks, pretending they were swords.

The older brother: " I got ya now, baby brother!"

The younger brother: " Yeah right. Take this!"

The younger brother lung forwards but the older on quickly moved out of the way, chuckling a bit, they played for a while till their father called out for them.

The brothers Fathers: " Garroth. Zane. Get over here for a moment."

The two boys looked at each other and rushed over to their father. The younger pair of Garroth and Zane stood in front of their father, both were standing up straight. The father Garte walked in front of them, walking in a proud stalk.

Garte: " Sons, I have watch you both play with each other for the past few days, and I must say, both of your moments are well done, and you seem to be getting stronger each time you play."

The younger Garroth and Zane looked at each other with large smiles.

Garte: " Now, I thought about this, alongside with your mother and we decided that you could start training with me and the guards."

The younger Garroth and Zane's face lit up hearing that they could start actually training with real swords with their king father and the strong guards of O'Khasis.

Younger Garroth: " You mean it, dad?"

Garte: " Of course I do. I believe your ready."

As Garte said that, he only look at Garroth.

Younger Zane: " But don't we have to be over 10 to start training?"

Garte: " Yes, but you two are strong, and I believe you're ready to start training."

The younger Garroth and Zane were happy, but Garroth were more excited.

Garte: " Your training will start soon, so get ready to learn how to hold a sword and work a bow and arrow."

When Garte left, Garroth jumped in the air with a hug smile.

Younger Garroth: " WHOO HOO!! Can You Believe It!? We Get To Start Training Soon!"

Younger Zane: " Yeah, but father seem to only want to train with you."

Younger Garroth: " What?! What are you talking about, dad loves all of us, and he said he was going to let us both train."

Younger Zane: " Then why did he only looked at you when he said that he thinks "we're" ready?"

Younger Garroth shurgged.

Younger Garroth: " I don't know, but we get to learn how to be guards like the ones who helps and protect everyone."

Younger Zane: " I guess so. But you think I'll be any good?"

The younger Garroth grabbed Zane in a head lock and rubbed his brother's hair.

Younger Garroth: " Are you kidding? You're just as strong as me, I bet you'll be one of the strongest guards there is. Who knows, maybe you can even be King one day."

Younger Zane: " *laughs* Me, King? You do know you're the eldest, so you're going to be King before me."

Younger Garroth: " Pfff, Well I can just say that I want to be a guard and you can take my place."

Younger Zane: " I don't think that's how it works, Garroth. *chuckles*"

Younger Garroth: " You think too much, baby brother. Come on my liege, let's get back to our fight!"

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