The Shadow Lord's goons (Not a chapter)

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Hi, this is just a little character reference thing that talks about some characters in the series that aren't in the original MCD universe.


People who are able to shift into animals to spy on. They work as the Shadow Lords eyes in the overworld, and they look almost exactly like an actual animal that they take form of but some have to either put dye or dirt on themselves because they sometimes look like shadows of the animals they take form of. While in their animal formals, Shifter can only talk to other Shifters who are in their disguise, to the humans and some of the other magical beans can't understand them, but animals are able to see through them and tell they aren't actually the animal they're disguised as. They are able to shift into other people, but they only look like their shadows, so shifting into a human is useless for a Shifter. Some Shifter have a certain animal the prefer to shift into. Take Meowki and Mewio for example, if your a fan of the series, you will know that Meowki was the name of Aphmau's cat in the begining of season one, or cats because she named two of them the same name. Anyways, both Mewio and Meowki are sorta based off of the two cats Aphmau own in the series and were forgoten about as the series went on. The twins mostly shift into cats, Mewio looks like a tortoiseshell cat while his sister Meowki takes the appearance of a calico. Other Shifters either wear some kind of accessory that has to do with the animal they usually shift into, like Beckham with his crow beak necklace, and a few others have tattoos that had something to do with the animals they usually shift into, one of the Shifter who might show up has a serpent tattoo on his arm because he always shifts into a snake.


People who pretty much have Telekinesis, they're able to see into people mind and get them to do things they don't want to do. Think of the voice in the back of your head, that pretty much sums up what a Mindwatcher is. Mindwatchers or Seers as some call them have something covering their eyes, whenever they lift it off their eyes, they are able to see and get into your head. They shift through your thoughts and memories when they get into your head. They also hypnotized you to do something a few times if you're able to clear your mind or find a way to block them from looking through your head. Mindwatchers are able to sniff out a spy or someone who tries to do something against the Shadow Lord, like if they're planning to assassinate him or find a way to sabotage something.

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