Chapter 54: Aaron

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A few days passed, down at the Nether, the Shadow Lord rest his head on his hand, deep in thought. Concubine and Ryuk were with him, Ryuk looked over at the powerful figure, he didn't say anything, but stared at him.

The Shadow Lord: " It's rude to stare."

Ryuk: " But you love the attention, Shad."

The Shadow Lord growled hearing his actual name, Concubine rolled her eyes under her blindfold.

Concubine: " You're digging your grave."

Ryuk: " *scoffs* Good luck keeping me down."

The Shadow Lord: " Enough. You been staring at me for long periods from time to time. Is there a reason?"

Ryuk: " *smirks* He wants his body back."

Concubine and the Shadow Lord stood up a bit, but they shook their heads.

The Shadow Lord: " Imposable. He's gone."

Ryuk: " No. No, he's not. *scratches neck and face* If you were able to revive his body, then there's a chance you might have accidently brought him back as well."

Concubine: " Pfff! Yeah, right. How do we not know you're not just bluffing?"

Ryuk: " I am a Decaying Magics user, I think I know everything that has to do with death and spirits. Just telling you to be careful, Shad. He could take over again and you'll be bodyless again."

The Shadow Lord clenched his teeth. He slammed his fist on one of the throne's arms, he got up and stormed off.

Concubine: " If our Lord's descendent really wanted his body back, how is he going to gain control?"

Ryuk: " Well, he had it his entire life obviously while Shad had it for a few months now. So his descendent has the upper hand since it's HIS body."

Concubine: " Huh. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense now that you say it."

As the day went on, the Shadow Lord would see a figure at the corner of his eye, but when he looks over, it disappeared. How ironic that a powerful person like Shad the Destroyer who did the same was now being haunted by this shadow figure. The Shadow Lord shook his head and went on with his day as usual. The Shadow Lord noticed Dante, hitting a rock with his sword, working on his strengthen.

The Shadow Lord: " Using your anger as a boost, clear move, Boy."

Dante looked over and bowed a little bit.

Dante: " Th-thank you, Sir."

The Shadow Lord patted Dante's shoulder, he looked over and saw the figure, this time he got a good glimps of it. It was Aaron. He was covered with dark bruises, and was death glaring at the Shadow Lord.

Dante: " Are you okay? You zone out for a while."

The Shadow Lord: " Hmm? Oh, yes. Don't worry about me, just worry about your training, Boy."

The Shadow Lord limped away as Dante went back to training, he called out for Beckham and he right away flew over and shift into his human form shortly after.

Beckham: " You needed me, Sir?"

The Shadow Lord: " Yes. I think I'm going to make a small trip to the Overworld."

Beckham jolt a bit.

Beckham: " Good idea, I'll go get Concubine and we'll.."

The Shadow Lord: " I said "I'm" Going to make a trip, not anyone else."

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