Chapter 23: He can go Out

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Around a week passed, Zane was still in his cell, Emilia pulled a table next to the and passed Zane some cards so he can play with her and Kyle. Nekoette would join them to watch and learn how to play. 

Zane: " Do you have annnnnyyyyyy....."

Zane looked over at Nekoette, she looked at both Kyle and Emilia, making sure they were look at their card. She holds four fingers behind the table but enough for Zane to see.

Zane: " Fours?"

Emilia/Kyle: " Damn It!/ Aw heck."

Emilia looked over at Nekoette, she just smiled and tilled her head.

Kyle: " How are you so good at this?"

Zane just shrugged, as Emilia shuffled the cards for another round, Katelyn and Aphmau came in.

Aphmau: " Emilia, there you are. I need you to go out and...."

Aphmau gagged bit when she got close to the cell with Zane, Katelyn did the same thing.

Kyle: " What's wrong?"

Katelyn: " What Is That Irene Awful Smell!?!"

Everyone looked at each other.

Emilia: " I don't smell anything."

Aphmau got closer to Zane's cell, and quickly jumped back, covering her mouth. The smell came from Zane.

Aphmau: " UGH!! You Reak!!"

Zane brought up his arm, he gotten used to the smell a bit and didn't notice until now. 

Zane: " Well of course I stink, I have been in here for the past month in a half."

Katelyn: " How come you guys don't smell it?!"

Kyle: " I don't know, I guess we got used to it since we watch him and stay to keep company."

Nekoette: " If you guys don't like the smell, we can let Zane out so he can get clean up."

Aphmau: " Oh No! No Way! There is no way we're letting him out!"

Emilia: " Fine, then I guess you're just gonna suck it up and he'll get worst."

Everyone had a smudged look, Aphmau groan and walked back and forth for a moment.

Aphmau: " FINE!! WHATEVER!! Just Get Clean And Out Of That Armor!!"

Emilia got upand stretched out before unlocking Zane's door, but Katelyn stopped.

Katelyn: " Wait, where is he going to get new clothes?"

Aphmau: " We might have to ask Cadenza to see if she can make some clothes for Zane, but I'm sure Garroth or any of the other boys wouldn't mind giving one of their outfits to Zane."

Katelyn: " Okay, but you guys better keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't try anything."

As Katelyn said that, she tied up Zane's hands with a rope, in case he tried anything. She then yanked him out and handed the rope to Emilia. As Emilia walked Zane out, he looked around, it was the first time in over a month he's been outside. Everyone stopped what they were doing and started at Zane, he looked straight and ignored them. Emilia brought Zane to Aphmau's old house, Zane was a bit confused.

Zane: " What are we doing here?"

Emilia: " To get you clean, of course. Aphmau said you can get clean up here. Right now she's asking to see if anyone would lend her some extra cloths for you."

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