Chapter 10: A Father Figure

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Weeks passed, the younger Zane didn't leave his mother's side, holding her hand wherever they went. He hadn't adjusted to having one eye yet, he did try to train in the quart yard but got frustrated when he wasn't able to get a few things right. He kept missing the targets and swung a wooden training staff wildly since he could only see out of one eye. As time was passing, Garroth would always try and play or get Zane to talk and smile to him again, but he would either ignore him or push his older brother away. He apologized multiple times, but Zane didn't want to hear it, he only talked to Zianna and Vylad a couple of times. Whenever Zane saw Garroth with their father, Zane rolled his eye and snarled. Annoyed that the Golden Child was getting all the attention as usual. One night, Garte, Zianna and many of the guards of the kingdom held a meeting. The younger Zane got up to get something to drink when he stumbled a pond the room that the meeting was taking place in. He crept over to the door and watch through that slightly open door.

Garte: " *sigh* I don't know what to do. I should have been out there that day."

A Guard: " Don't blame yourself, your Highness. It wasn't your or Garroth's fault, it was an accident."

Zianna: " I knew this was a horrible idea, I told you they shouldn't be left alone while they train in the quart yard."

Garte: " I know, I know."

Another Guard: " What about Zane. The poor boy. It must be hard losing an eye at such a young age."

Zianna: " He hasn't been doing well. The pain went away physical, but he's still very hurt. I'm trying my best to help as much as I can, till he's able to do things on his own."

A Guard: " What about his training? Are we still going to train with him?"

The younger Zane looked at his father through the slightly open door, he looked down and took a deep breath.

Garte: " *sigh* No. I'm afraid that he won't be able to learn the basics right away like his brother."

Zane covered his mouth hearing that. He backed away and it felt like his heart drop, being a guard was his dream, and in a blink of an eye, he lost it because of what his brother did. Zane stormed off, he clenches his fist and teeth, breathing a bit fast, furious at Garroth. This was all his fault, he was too busy showing off, he didn't think of what his actions would lead too. Rage bubbled in Zane's stomach, he will never forgive Garroth for this, he took half of his vision and dream away from him. In the morning, Garroth came over to Zane. He had a small smile, but Zane just scoot away when Garroth sat next to him. Garroth tried to scoot next to his little brother, but Zane wants nothing to do with him, Garroth ruins everything he touch, and he broke something that couldn't be fix, at least in Zane's eye.

The younger Garroth: " Zane... I'm so sorry about, what happen."

The younger Zane got up and walked away from Garroth. He doesn't want anything to do with him. Zane grew a hatred for Garroth, he was praise by nearly everyone because he was the "Golden Child" Of Lord Garte and Lady Zianna, Zane felt like he was being ignored and that his father favors Garroth out of his three sons. At least he had Zianna, the only person who's there for him. But slowly, Zane started to get a little distant towards her when Vylad started to be around her more. Zane felt his heart break seeing his mother smile while with Vylad, feeling like he's been replace by his younger brother who was half-blood, he and his brothers were all Zianna's children but Vylad wasn't Garte's son, however that doesn't seem to bother him at all. But Zane started to grew distant to his family, including towards his mother, it was a bit hard, but Zane had dark thoughts running through his head. One day, while reading a book, Vylad came up to him.

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