Chapter 39: A Terrible Choice

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Blood dripped on the ground, Zane rubbed his head, he felt blood on his face, but it wasn't his. He looked up and his heart dropped and it felt like the whole world stopped when he saw what was in front of him. It was Kawaii-Chan. She shoved him out of the way before Dante hit him with his sword and she took the hit instead. There was a large gash on her chest, it started over her left boob and down her right side of her stomach. Blood gushed out of the large wound on her chest and belly, Dante opened his eyes and backed up a bit, he gasped seeing what he done and dropped his swords. Even Meowki, Mewio and a few other Shadow Knights were caught off guard in what he done and the large wound he left from his sword. Concubine had a blank expression, she was surprised he did it a bit, but annoyed that Dante rushed in without thinking and ended up hurting Kawaii-Chan instead of Zane. Kawaii-Chan stumbled around a bit, coughing up some blood before falling into Zane's arms.

Emilia/Everyone fighting by her side: " KAWAII-CHAN!!!"

 Zane started to breath heavily again seeing Kawaii-Chan having some trouble breathing herself and tightly gripping onto his shirt. He shook his head a few times, not believing what just happened, hoping that this was just some awful nightmare, but it wasn't, this was real life and Dante just seriously hurt Kawaii-Chan. Zane looked up at Dante, is eye full of rage and tears, he picked Kawaii-Chan up with one arm, he didn't want to leave her on the ground, so he decided to keep her close to him to protecting her from anyone else. Dante backed away, but Zane walked closer towards him, holding a sword in on hand and Kawaii-Chan in his other arm. Zane gripped his sword tightly and he started to shift back to his Demonic form. Zane blocked all the attacks that other Shadow Knights and even some living Shadows try to land on him and Kawaii-Chan, but he was able to block them and toss them aside with his free arm. But he didn't care for them, it was Dante he wants. Zane swinged his sword hard, Dante shook his head before he quickly blocked it, but was knocked over by the forced it had. Dante scooted back a bit, he didn't know what to do, he was still in shook over hitting his own wife instead of Zane.

Concubine quietly: " F***. What a disaster this turned out to be."

Zane kicked away both of Dante's swords, but before he could hit him, Zane felt something hugging his leg, he was about to shake it off, but saw Nekoette, hugging tightly on his leg. She was able to get down from the large tree, able to get away from Leona and Zoey, and was now hanging on to Zane in the battlefield. She looked up at Zane, tears flowing down her face like a waterfall and rubbed her face into his leg. She didn't say anything, but Zane knew she wanted all of this to stop. He lower his arm with his sword but gave Dante a horrifying death glare. Concubine then stopped the battle by calling out the Shadow Army who were with her.

Concubine: " That's Enough! THT'S ENOUGH!! We Lost And We Have To Return Now!"

Meowki: " But.."

Concubine: " Did I Stutter? Retreat Shadow Army! Retreat!"

They didn't want to, but the rest of the others with her growled and followed her out of the village, Emilia and a few others made sure they left by chasing after them as they run off. As for Dante, a Leona came running over to him in her wolf form and chased after him.


As Dante ran away, Zane slowly shifted back to his human form, tears flow down his face and looked down at Nekoette. Kawaii-Chan grabbed his shirt and tug on it, showing that she was still there and causing Zane to let out a small chuckle seeing she was still there.

Zane: " *sniff* Zoey's still in the tree, right?"

Nekoette nodded, trying to wipe the tears out of her face.

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