Chapter 3: The Meif'wa

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The wedding was growing near. Zane started to go out with two guards, Kiki keeps on trying to talk to him and bugging him none stop. She was starting to get on his nerves. While out with his two of his guards, Zane kept staring at the captain of the guards.

A Guard: " Sir, you been watch that Guard for almost the whole time we've been here. Is there a reason?"

Zane didn't answer, he just glared at the guard with a helmet.

Zane's thoughts: " You can't hide behind that helmet forever. We'll meet face to face soon and I'll get your Lord to see who you really are..."

While in his thoughts, Zane was interrupted by Kiki when she saw him.

Kiki: " HI ZANE!!"

Zane groans a bit, annoyed that Kiki noticed him.

Zane's thoughts: " Ugh! Why can't she give me some peace for more than 5 minutes?"

Zane nodded at the guards he was with, and they did their job to keep Kiki a good distance away.

Kiki: " Zane, I want to hang out with you."

Zane looked over.

Zane: " Why?"

Kiki: " Because I want to get to know you more, and you're always alone. I just want to give you some company."

Zane: " I'm not alone, I have my guards."

Kiki passed through the guards and came over to Zane's side as he walked away.

Kiki: " I mean I want to be your friend, I want you to know you can have someone else to talk to while you're here that aren't your guards."

Zane didn't say anything, it seems like he was a bit confuse in Kiki's friend proposal, no one asked him to be his friend and he didn't really know what to say. 

Kiki: " So, do you have any siblings? I have a brother, his name is Brenden and he's helping build a few things for the village right now."

Zane stayed quiet and glared at the ground a bit.

Zane: " I rather not talk about family."

Kiki: " Oh, okay. What do you want to talk about?"

Zane: " Nothing. I'm not in a mood for talking."

Kiki: " Oh, ummm... Okay, but if you want to talk, I'll be in my barn taking care some animals. Kekeke."

Kiki skipped away, Zane was annoyed but was relieved she was finally gone.

Zane's thoughts: " Finally. I hate that dumb laugh. If it's not the animals, she's always around me, can't she go bother her brother or someone else?"

As Zane was in thought, his stomach growled. He looked around to see if there was some kind booth or a building that had food. Before he went looking for his guards to get him some food, a sweet smell grabbed his attention. It was the scent of fresh pastries, the sweet smell attracted him to a bright pink building, a bakery, his stomach growled and licked his lips under his mask. He didn't want to go in, but his stomach won and forced him to go inside. Inside, there were all little doll-like beans walking around the place, cleaning the shop and some were helping with decorating some of the treats. Zane sat down at a table, waiting for someone to come over. Shortly after, a high woman's voice came from behind the counter.

The Woman: " Oh! A consumer. Sorry, Kawaii-Chan didn't hear you come in and will be there in a minute."

Shortly after, someone rushed over towards Zane, he glances over and saw a woman with bright pink hair, pale skin with the most gorgeous caramel gold eyes. She wore a maid's outfit, her apron had some flour from baking on it. But the thing that made her stand out the most were her cat ears and a cat tail, instead of normal legs, her feet were paws, and her hands even had pads on them, similar to an actual cat. She was a Meif'wa, a human like bean with cat features.

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