Chapter 31: Glowing Forest

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Some time has passed since the Shadow Lord showed himself with Ryuk and a few of his followers. Aphmau helped increased the protection of the village and held a few meetings with the other Lords of the Villages, telling them to do the same in cased the Shadow Lord comes back and get the chance to attack. Though a few others are starting to trust Zane a little bit more, many other citizens of other villages and a couple people in Phoenix Drop. Zane doesn't blame them from hating him, he hates himself after seeing what he became because of the mistakes he made when he was a kid. Zane was watching Nekoette and Dmitri train a bit, their father was supposed to help them with it but he went out on Patrol, so Zane decided to help them a bit. Kawaii-Chan watches them and smiled, seeing Zane help and seem like they were all having fun. Emilia was cleaning her sword next to where Kawaii-Chan was.

Emilia: " He's a Hell a lot better father figure for them than their Man Whore of a father."

Kawaii-Chan: " Yeah, he is... Blah! Emilia-Sama, stop calling Dante-Kun that!"

Emilia: " What, that's what he is. A Playboy Man Whore who flirts with every woman he comes across."

Kawaii-Chan's ear twitched. Emilia had a smirk on her face.

Kawaii-Chan: " What's with the grin?"

Emilia: " Nothing. You're falling for him."

Kawaii-Chan: " No I... Kawaii-Chan isn't! Kawaii-Chan likes Zane-Kun as a friend, nothing more."

Emilia: " Whatever you have tell yourself, KC."

Later, Aphmau came over and ask if anyone waned to join her for a Patrol. Garroth and Emilia volunteer to go, but Emilia had a sneaky grin on as she looked at Zane and Kawaii-Chan.

Emilia: " You know what? I think Zane and Kawaii-Chan wanted to join."

Zane/Kawaii-Chan: " W-w-what?!"

Dante heard what Emilia said and came over.

Dante: " Excuse me, but why would my WIFE want to join you on a Patrol?! She has other things to do."

Kawaii-Chan: " Well.. Kawaii-Chan wouldn't mind going out for a while."

Emilia: " Besides, Kawaii-Chan doesn't have to do what you say, she's her own person."

Zane: " Why don't you go train with your kids like you told them you'll do."

Dante glared at Zane.

Dante: " Be careful out there then."

Kawaii-Chan nodded as Dante peaked her on her cheek. Zane and Emilia rolled their eyes.

Emilia quieter: " Playboy Man Whore."

Dante: " What was that?!"

Emilia: " You heard me, Playboy!"

Dante stormed off, everyone rolled their eyes.

Aphmau: " Why you keep calling him that?"

Emilia: " Because he is. It ain't my fault he goes out and flirt with every other woman there is."

As Emilia talked to Garroth and Aphmau, Zane and Kawaii-Chan looked at each other a bit.

Zane's thoughts: " Ugh! There's than feeling again. Why do I always feel like this when I'm around her?"

Kawaii-Chan's thoughts: " Mmm... Why does Kawaii-Chan get the butterflies in her stomach when she's around Zane-Kun sometimes? We're just friends. Why don't I feel like this with Dante-Kun anymore? I'm acting like a teenager with a crush. You're married to Dante, not Zane."

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