chapter forty one

Start from the beginning

A couple laugh walking past him..

"What kind of man is he.."

"A total pussy of course, a real man will never let a woman take control of him.."

"He is a shame to all man.."

Nam-gil totally forgetting why he even came to the hospital in the first place he, cleans a few of his tears before walking out of the hospital, straight to his car before locking himself inside as he tries to calm himself down..

April 16
Inside the hospital
Yoongi's room

"I asked who you are?" Minseok asks again but the person only pulls up their mask putting back what ever they had into the pocket of the white coat..

Minseok takes a few steps towards her reaching his hand out to grab her should only for her to grab him by the wrist twist it before pushing him further into the room making her escape room before running out..

Minseok managers to keep himself on his feet and instantly he figures it out.. "Ji-woo.." he lets out before running out of the room and after her..

Taking out his phone he manages to get to the call log, still behind Ji-woo who is now going down to stairs instead of using an elevator..


"Go check on Yoongi now!" He lets out between his pents..


"She is here.." He says.. "she was in his room.."


She lets out before hanging up and Minseok tries to keep up with the woman, but this woman seems to be fast..

"Stop her!!" He yells and by the time she gets to the door the three gaurds are already standing infront of her and Minseok finally gets to breathe letting his gaurd down for a moment..

Out of nowhere Ji-woo runs towards the gaurd in the middle, a kick between his legs and a punch to the face lending him on the floor, twisting the arm of the other gaurd on the left she grabs his gun..




She shots the three man, their bodies falling to the ground and everyone in the lobby runs off scream for their lifes, letting out a smirk looking straight at Minseok she runs out of the door and Minseok follows right behind her..

Running out of the hospital's premises Ji-woo runs across the road without thinking and Minseok tries to do so he stops right in the middle of the road noticing a car coming right for him but it's too late to move..

Falling down with a thumb as the car comes to a hult, he hears the car door open and footsteps coming closer to him.. "are you okay?"

"I'm fi.." he pauses looking up at the person who is holding his arms to get him to sit upright..

"I was not watching where I was.." he also pauses looking at Minseok on the ground and suddenly he can't keep eye contact anymore with the boy..

But something clicks in his head slight pushing Nam-gil he gets up and tries to find the woman he was after, his eyes wondering around in different directions..

"Damnit.." he lets out, grabbing on his hair out of furstration.. "I lost her.." his constant looking around is stopped when he hear a few groans coming from the man behind him on the ground holding his arm..

"Are you okay.." trying to help him but Nam-gil doesn't let Minseok touch him.. "I'm fine.." getting to his feet and Minseok retrieving his helping hand in disappointment, suddenly people start gathering and taking pictures taking pictures of Nam-gil, who tries to cover his face from the flashes..

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