Love Baby 51-Mommies Vs Daddies

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


Playdate 3


Rain: Oh! I think Sailom pooped. I can smell it! 

Sky: Okay, let me finish burping Rung and I'll change Sailom. 

Rain: Don't worry, I'll do it. Just help me burp Sun too after you are done with Rung. 

Sky: Okay, sure. Come on sweetie, burp, now burp-oh...he puked on me. 

Rain: Aww...Rung...Sorry Sky. 

Sky: Nah, not problem. Sailom threw up on me enough time for me to stop feeling squirmish. Okay. Rung is all burped up. Sun sweetie, your turn. You get to rest on the shoulder that doesn't stink. 

Rain: Wow! Your son sure can poop as much as he eats. 

Sky: You need me to take over?

Rain: Nah, I am fine. I've seen enough poop changing my twins. This is nothing. 

Sky: Great, now Sun threw up on me too. Never mind. I got an extra shirt in the car. 

Rain: We are having so much fun doing mommy duties! 

Sky: Yeah, good for you.


Prapai: Hey, do you smell something?

Payu: Yup. One of them pooped. 

Prapai: Do you want to play rock, scissors and paper to see who should change the diapers?

Payu: I don't mind changing you know. 

Prapai: Oh come on, let's make it fun. 

Payu: Okay. Let's do this. 

Prapai: Yay! Okay, rock, paper and scissors! Yay! I won. I'll choose. The person who chooses the poop baby will change the diaper. 

Payu: Okay. You can choose. 

Prapai: Okay....I'll go with....Rung! 

Payu: That's Sun. 

Prapai: Ah, Sun! Okay, I choose you. 

Payu: You are sure about him? For sure?

Prapai: Yup. Sun's always a good boy, isn't he?

Payu: Okay, then I'll go with Sailom first. 

Prapai: We'll open their diapers on the count of three, two, one! EWWW!!! SUN!!! THAT'S A LOT OF POOP! 

Payu: I did try to warm you. Now let's get your wet diaper out Sailom, there you go buddy. Good buddy. 

Prapai: Urgh, fine! Come on Sun, let's get your butt cleaned! 

Payu: You want to check on Rung too? 

Prapai: Nah, you do it, ARGHHH! SUN! Don't pee on me! 

Payu: I really did try to warm you, didn't I, Sailom, Rung? Good boys. 


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