Love Baby 50-Playdate 2

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit


Playdate 2


Payu: Hey, you made it, come on in. Hello there little buddy Sailom. The twins are awake, you can put Sailom in the middle again. 

Prapai: Okay, aww, one of them is on their stomach and I still don't which twin is which. 

Payu: The one on the stomach is Rung and the one laughing with your son is Sun. 

Prapai: You should just dress them different so it's easier to tell them apart. 

Payu: It is easy to tell them apart. My boys aren't exactly identical. 

Prapai: Never mind, I will recognize which one is Rung and Sun if I do this enough times. 

Payu: What did you do this time to make Sky mad with you until he has to take my Rain to a spa day?

Prapai: Nothing I swear. I didn't buy any stars or planets to be named after my son this time. 

Payu: But?

Prapai: But nothing. It's just that I want my Sky to have a great day at the spa so I told him I I will take Sailom over for his playdate with the twins today. 

Payu: Right. 

Prapai: Yup.

Payu: ....

Prapai: ....

Payu: You didn't come here to check it out after hearing about the latest customized bike that Khun Pakin entrusted me, right? 

Prapai: Aha! I knew it! I knew he will let YOU keep it! 

Payu: Technically, I was entrusted to take care of it in my highly secured, fortified garage, not keep it. You do remember I don't own most the bikes belonging to Khun Pakin. 

Prapai: Doesn't matter! The fact that that new fancy bike is here right now, that's the main point. 

Payu: Sailom's playdate wasn't the main point today? 

Prapai: You're nasty for teasing me. Of course my son's playdate is the main point but doesn't mean me admiring the bike can't be another main point too. 

Payu: Sure. I'll take you to admire the bike after we feed all three of these little rugrats here, play with them, change their diapers and after they take their afternoon naps. 

Prapai: Deal. Now boys, what song should we sing today? BABY SHARK!? Yay! 

Payu: I'll go get their bottles. 


Rain: Awww, P'Pai is so nice to let you go on a spa day today. 

Sky: Yup, he was insistent. Too insistent actually. 

Rain: Oh come on, he just wants you to have a relaxing day. Thanks for inviting me along too. My muscles are all sore. 

Sky: Oh really, why are they sore?

Rain: Well because P'Payu was too rou-....

Sky: Too what? 

Rain: P'Payu was too rough with me helping me get in shape while exercising. 

Sky: Oh...exercise. Great. Thank goodness for spa day. 

Rain: Yeah, spa day. Ahaha...I...wonder how the babies are now. If they have their milk and are having fun with their daddies. 

Sky: I only want to see them taking their naps when we get back. 

Rain: I am sure they would be, P'Pai and P'Payu are taking care of them together. 

Sky: Well, as long they don't leave the babies unattended for too long to admire the new bike in your garage then I am fine. 

Rain: Wow, how did you know about the new bike in my garage? 

Sky: You just told me. I was just trapping you.

Rain: You are nasty Sky. 

Sky: Smart, not nasty now let's enjoy our facial and sleep. 

Rain: Good idea. 


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