Love Baby 48-Happening?

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Love In The Air Daily Lovebit



Nuea: Aww....Khun baby Sailom is so cute! Khun Sky, you and Khun Prapai really pass on good genes. 

Sky: Aww Nuea, just drop the honorifics already. We are family, now you are a pair with Sailom senior here. So, P'Pai's cousin's spouse is a cousin too. 

Nuea: It's become a habit to call all of you honorifics. I will try then, P'Sky, P'Prapai. 

Prapai: You can call me Pai too. Like calling me Prapai sounds like my dad. 

Sailom: Yeah, he sounds like his dad even. 

Prapai: Cousin, don't get started with me. 

Sky: P'Pai, P'Lom, be nice, baby Sailom is around. 

Nuea: Yeah, it's not appropriate to fight in front of a baby, right, baby Sailom?

Sailom: It's cute right, that this baby has the same name as mine. Everyone would think he is ours. 

Prapai: You can dream on cousin, we didn't purposely choose this name to honor you or anything. Sky and I happen to like the meaning of this name for our son. 

Sky: But I wouldn't mind if our son grows up to be a ridiculously handsome man like P'Lom. 

Prapai: Ou, our son will grow to be a ridiculously handsome man like his dad, me. That's the only thing that will happen okay Sky?

Sky: Fine, of course he will, it's a joke P'Pai. 

Nuea: Doesn't matter how he grows up, I am sure he will inherit the best of both P'Pai and P'Sky. 

Prapai: You seem to like babies a lot, you are carrying him since.

Sky: Right, should I take him back? Aren't your arms tired?

Nuea: Of course not! I am fine. I am an only child so I do enjoy playing with other people's siblings and my friends' babies. 

Sky: I think you are pretty good with babies. Sailom hasn't cried since you carried him. 

Nuea: I think I am really lucky Sailom is an easy baby. 

Sailom: I think Nuea is just someone lovable to babies. That's a fact. 

Prapai: Then I guess you better get working on making your own kid then. 

Sailom: Hey, we will make our own kid when my Nuea is ready, right, Nuea?

Nuea: Who says we are making kids? I can barely make breakfast. 

Sailom: Nuea makes great breakfast, that I know. 

Sky: I am sure when you have your own babies, your household will be very happening. You know what, why don't I take over Sailom for a bit so you can eat? P'Lom and you came for our house warming party and you have been sitting here and holding on to Sailom every since. I don't see you eat. 

Nuea: It's okay, I don't mind carrying baby Sailom and actually...I...umm....

Sailom: Nuea doesn't have much appetite to eat. He almost fainted and almost puked on the way here and I told him, if he doesn't feel well while we are here, we are going straight to the doctor. 

Sky: Oh, Nuea, you don't feel well? Are you alright? Do you need a doctor? I think Doctor Kit came here with his husband and their youngest daughter. Should I look for them? 

Nuea: No, no, I am okay. Really. It must be the fatigue from work these past few weeks and I think I ate something bad so really, don't worry about me, I am fine.

Prapai: You sure you are not pregnant? 

Sailom: Huh? How can he be pregnant? Don't you talk nonsense cousin. 

Prapai: Well, Nuea is experiencing fatigue, nausea and fainting spell, yup, something Sky went through with our Sailom. 

Sky: Our, it could be some other issues. Now now P'Pai, don't play doctor here. Nuea, you have to take care of yourself okay? 

Nuea: Yes, I will. Maybe I should eat something after all. I'll go grab a bite. 

Sky: Why I don't come with you? P'Pai, can you take Sailom and entertain P'Lom? 

Prapai: Sure. Come back soon. 

Sailom: Do you think Nuea is really pregnant? 

Prapai: Well, I am just stating the symptoms but you need a doctor to make sure of that. 

Sailom: No way. Like Nuea insisted we take precaution every time we are intimate. 

Prapai: You sure you didn't poke holes in your rubber set? 

Sailom: I don't betray my Nuea's trust like that. 

Prapai: Well, I guess then he must be feeling unwell for real. Just take him to the doctor after this. 

Sailom: I think I should-

Someone: HELP! Someone fainted! Is there a doctor here!? Help! 

Sailom: Nuea! 


Yukichi's Note: I am not sure how popular Wedding Plan is but for me I kinda like this story. I like the actor who played Nuea. I thought he was really cute. I know I should probably write another book for Wedding Plan but I don't believe I have enough material to make Wedding Plan book last and I don't want to back and forth thinking of plots so I go with inserts. I guess readers of this book can see by the titles if they want to read Wedding Plan snippets or LITA snippets but because I am mixing some story plots in, well, it will get messy. Sorry about that. 

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